Tag: Roderick Long
Agoric Cafe: Interview With Sheldon Richman (Part 1)
In episode no. 13 of Agoric Cafe and in Part 1 of this 2-part interview, Roderick Long chats with Sheldon Richman about his youthful enthusiasm for the Swamp Fox and his guerilla fighters; the Constitution as a betrayal of the American Revolution and the Articles of Confederation; defying YAF with Karl Hess at the March…
Virtual Reading Group: Individualist Anarchism in 19th Century America
Tuckered Out? Feeling Greene? Get a Spoonerful of de Cleyrification here! So says Roderick T. Long! Coming up in January, he’ll be hosting a virtual reading group together with Cory Massimino on individualist anarchism in 19th-century America. As you might guess from the tagline, they’ll be covering the big names in the American individualist tradition,…
Agoric Cafe: Interview With James Bradley
In episode no. 12 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long chats with biologist James T. Bradley about the future of, and ethical issues surrounding, biotechnology and nanotechnology; global and civic responsibilities of scientists and of laypeople; intimations of immortality from William Godwin to Ray Kurzweil; the importance of interdisciplinary education, and of instruction in evolutionary biology;…
Agoric Cafe: Interview With Kelly Dean Jolley
In episode no. 11 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long chats with philosopher Kelly Jolley about Jane Austen and J. L. Austin, the veil of perception, Ohio land swindles, the tyranny of nouns, screwball comedies, anti-psychologism, apophatic theology, the arctic perils of SUNY Oswego, the philosophic uses of poetry, Wittgenstein vs. Augustine, 18th-century literary nanotechnology, real…
Corporations versus the Market; or, Whip Conflation Now
(Originally published at Cato Unbound on November 10, 2008) Defenders of the free market are often accused of being apologists for big business and shills for the corporate elite. Is this a fair charge? No and yes. Emphatically no—because corporate power and the free market are actually antithetical; genuine competition is big business’s worst nightmare….
Agoric Cafe: Interview With Gary Chartier
In episode no. 10 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long chats with philosopher Gary Chartier about Robin Hood, left-wing market anarchism, natural law, free speech and employer power, libertarian secularism, Seventh-day Adventism, religious epistemology, long-arc television, urban fantasy, Lawrence Durrell, Iris Murdoch, Whit Stillman, the evils of giving extra credit and taking attendance, and the attractions…
Agoric Cafe: Addendum to Ep. 7, “Ayn Rand as a Writer”
In episode no. of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long talks about what he forgot to mention back in Episode 7 (“Ayn Rand as a Writer”), namely how Ayn Rand’s fiction stands in the tradition of Henrik Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People and Edmond Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac. Watch it here or below.
Agoric Cafe: Interview With Eric Mack
In episode no. 8 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long chats with philosopher Eric Mack about walking out on Ayn Rand, clashing with Nazi Sikhs in Seneca Falls, libertarian rights theory, Kantian vs. Aristotelean approaches to fixing Randian ethics, Nozickian polymathy, the unselfishness of Samuel Johnson, the ethics of COVID lockdowns, physical distancing in Durango, the…
Agoric Cafe: Ayn Rand as a Writer
In episode no. 7 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long asks, “Was Ayn Rand a good writer or a bad one?“. Watch here or below.
Agoric Cafe: Interview With Neera K. Badhwar
In episode no. 5 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long chats with philosopher Neera K. Badhwar about backyard buffaloes, wild attack monkeys, Ayn Rand, airline deregulation, eudaimonia and virtue, paternalism and suicide, sociopathic grandmothers, child abuse, Aristotelean business ethics, 19th-century robber barons, charitable Objectivists, friendly Manhattanites, charismatic nationalist leaders, and national health care. In more or…
Agoric Cafe: Markets vs. Capitalism in The ABC of Communism
In episode no. 4 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long discusses the distinction between markets and capitalism in Bukharin and Preobrazhensky’s ABC of Communism, and in the Marxist tradition generally; or, how Marxism twists itself into a pretzel to avoid endorsing free-market anti-capitalism. Watch it here or below.
Agoric Cafe: Philosophical Thought Experiments and Fantastic Fiction
In episode no. 3 of Agoric Cafe, Roderick Long discusses the relationship between science fiction and philosophy. Watch it here or below.
Agoric Cafe: Interview With Kevin Carson
In episode six of Roderick Long’s new video project, he interviews Kevin Carson in a wide-ranging discussion that covers many issues. Watch it here or below. 
Cory Massimino on “History and Politics” Podcast
C4SS Mutual Exchange Coordinator Cory Massimino was recently featured on Camilo Gómez’s History and Politics podcast. Cory discusses the differing reactions to Trump from left and right libertarians and how American libertarians often ignore anti-authoritarian lessons and struggles from outside the West. Also mentioned in this episode is C4SS senior fellow Roderick Long’s book Rituals…
Roderick Long on YouTube: Agoric Cafe
Those who follow the work of C4SS Senior Fellow Roderick Long will be excited to learn he’s got a new project just launched on YouTube. The “Agoric Café” is “…devoted to philosophy, politics, history, literature, and whatever else he feels like sounding off on, as well as video interviews with interesting people.” Taking its name…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Roderick Long on Class Theory
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. This month’s discussion at the C4SS podcast Mutual Exchange centers around Long’s work on libertarian class theory, as well as the normative concerns that rise out of such a theory on balancing distributive and relational justice concerns with individual liberty. As we…
Дикие карты
В книге «Структура научных революций» (книга о великих добродетелях и крупнейших ошибках, но я не собираюсь сейчас вдаваться в них) Томас Кун описывает эксперимент, который, как мне кажется, имеет огромное значение для либертарианцев, особенно для левых либертарианцев: В психологическом эксперименте, значение которого заслуживает того, чтобы о нем знали и непсихологи, Дж. Брунер и Л. Постмен…
Roderick Long on Bullshit Jobs
This month, C4SS Senior Fellow Roderick Long was featured in Reason magazine with a review of David Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs: A Theory. “Bullshit jobs” are defined by Graeber as “so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify [their] existence.” The book discusses the rise of such jobs in the modern economy, pointing fingers squarely…
Harambe isn’t Your Excuse for Adult Supremacy
On May 28th a tragic incident happened at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden where a 3 year old boy managed to get into an enclosure with a gorilla named Harambe. Although the boy wasn’t seriously injured the zoo keepers felt it necessary to shoot and kill Harambe for the safety of the child. Some…
Justice, Not Amnesty, for “Illegal” Immigrants
It speaks volumes that the dirtiest word in the Republican and conservative lexicon is amnesty. At a minimum, it exposes as a flagrant lie the claim that Republicans and conservatives want to expand liberty and limit government power. One cannot consistently praise the principle, central to the supposedly beloved Declaration of Independence, that “all men…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory