Tag: right to repair
The Rentier Economy, Vulture Capital, and Enshittification
  The Rentier Economy, Vulture Capital, and Enshittification   There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of…
Il Diritto di Riparare
Di ZH. Originale pubblicato l’otto novembre 2021 con il titolo Right to Repair. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La Automotive Free Clinic inizia in Alabama una campagna per il diritto di riparare in collaborazione con un certo numero di organizzazioni di varia estrazione. Gli automezzi attuali, come le automobili, i camioncini o i mezzi agricoli, hanno…
Right to Repair
The Automotive Free Clinic is starting a right to repair campaign in Alabama in coalition with a number of different organizations. Modern equipment such as passenger vehicles, semi trucks, and farm equipment are controlled electronically by proprietary software. Often, this software is not made available to the public, meaning that only dealerships and authorized repair…
Right-to-Repair Activists are Heroes
The only function of “intellectual property” is to snatch scarcity from the jaws of abundance — to take goods that, thanks to the advance of human knowledge, should naturally be getting cheaper, and make them artificially expensive. This is nowhere more evident than in the war corporations are fighting against their own customers’ right to…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory