Tag: political correctness
I Limiti della Correttezza Imposta
Di Lynn James. Originale pubblicato il 27 novembre 2018 con il titolo On the Limits of “Just Being Polite”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Poche sono le cose più intrinseche all’essere umano della comunicazione. Attivismi, politica, filosofia riposano saldamente sulla nostra capacità di spiegarci. Jürgen Habermas, in Etica del Discorso, arriva a porre la capacità di…
On the Limits of “Just Being Polite”
There are few things more intrinsic to what we do as humans than communication. Activism, politics, and philosophy rest heavily on our ability to effectively engage in meaningful discourse. Jürgen Habermas even claims in Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action that communication is foundational to morality and freedom. All that philosophy jargon aside, the way we…
“Cultural Libertarianism” on Trial on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Daniel Pryor‘s “‘Cultural Libertarianism’ on Trial” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Nick Ford. Overall, there is value in cultural libertarianism just as there is value in social justice activism. Both sides are guilty of hyperbole and fail to acknowledge their own camp’s malicious elements. Instead, they tar the entirety…
Offended by the Truth
Actor Adrien Grenier of the TV series Entourage has been caught up in quite a storm over a tweet he sent out on the recent anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. It was an animation of the World Trade Center and below it read, “R.I.P. the 2,996 Americans who died in 9/11. R.I.P. the 1,455,590 Iraqis…
“Cultural Libertarianism” on Trial
In their July 20th Breitbart article, Milo Yiannopoulous and Allum Bokhari refer to the growing network of resistance to “social justice warriors” in the entertainment industry as “cultural libertarianism.” It’s a powerful term and intuitively appealing to supporters of a free society. Extending scepticism of “big government” to what the authors call “cultural authoritarianism” seems…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory