Tag: matrix reality
Charles Davis: The long tradition of making the status quo more sustainable, its excesses more subtle.
Kevin Carson: “Desde la más tierna infancia, la mayoría de nosotros es instruida para sentir lealtad y devoción a instituciones en las cuales no tenemos participación alguna y cuyos líderes no rinden cuentas ante nosotros”.
Carson: Consentimento, conchentimento
Carson: Freedom, not from the state, but from the people’s willingness to defy authority.
Carson: Brooks doesn’t love just authority. He just loves authority.
Carson: Consent, conschment.
Carson v. Sanders and Somin.
Carson: “Mommy, he hit me back!”
Kevin Carson contrasts a weasel politician to a brave high school student.
Kevin Carson explains why “far-left” extremism is no vice.
After feeding a crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth was recently served with formal legal notice…
Kevin Carson defends David Letterman’s skepticism toward Rand Paul.
Thomas L. Knapp on the “essential” versus the “non-essential”.
Kevin Carson: “It’s been argued by more than one person that Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley, in part, because Coakley was such a lame and unappealing candidate. But there’s one point that hasn’t received much attention: her cynical role, as a district attorney, in preventing the release of a man who was almost certainly innocent of the crime he’d been convicted of.”
Kevin Carson: “The politics of Empire and the National Security State were not an unfortunate deviation of the Bush years, and by no means something peculiar to conservative Republicans. The roots of American Empire go way back to the early 20th century.”
Kevin Carson examines the matter of whether or not the word “capitalism” is useful to describe a true free market economy.
Dr. Roderick Long: …just as St. Augustine once prayed, ‘Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet,’ Chomsky’s aim is in effect anarchy, but not yet.”
Alex R. Knight III urges readers to draw the correct lesson from police state anecdotes.
Kevin Carson: “From our early childhood, most of us are taught to feel loyalty to institutions in whose agendas we have no say and whose leaders are utterly unaccountable to us.”
Thomas L. Knapp says run-of-the-mill allegations of election fraud miss the point.