Tag: Ireland
State-Sanctioned Cover-Ups and the Legacy of Church-State Oppression in Ireland
Towards the end of August, Ireland became the subject of much media attention. The reason was quite simple: Pope Francis was scheduled to make a two-day visit to the country, leading many in the media to ask whether “his Holiness” would acknowledge and apologize for the never-ending list of sexual, physical, and psychological abuses the…
The Repeal of the Eighth and the Withering of the State in Ireland
Last Friday, the people of the Republic of Ireland voted decisively to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution. Such a vote was historic; ‘the Eighth’ as the amendment had increasingly become known equated the life of the mother with that of the unborn, effectively preventing any form of abortion – including in cases…
Of Flags and Football
The football hooligans are at it again but this time instead of street riots and violence, they are raising hell with flags and fundraisers. With the recent news of Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand during the U.S. national anthem and Gabby Douglas not placing her hand over her heart during the anthem at the 2016…
Ulster: Alternative alla Cultura della Sicurezza e della Paura
Qualche settimana fa sono andata in gita scolastica in Irlanda. Essendo una nazione relativamente ricca in cui tutti parlano l’inglese e hanno radici che si allargano fino agli Stati Uniti e il Regno Unito, con gli stranieri con cui ho parlato ho trovato più somiglianze di base che spiccate differenze. Una delle differenze che colpiscono…
Ulster’s Alternatives to Security and Fear Culture
A few weeks ago I went on a school trip to Ireland. As a relatively wealthy nation where everyone speaks English and shares deep cultural roots within the United States and United Kingdom, I found more base similarities with the strangers I talked to than glaring differences. One of the most striking differences, however, was…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory