Tag: interventionism
In Morte di Henry Kissinger
Di James C. Wilson. Articolo originale: On the Death of Henry Kissinger, del 7 dicembre 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. “Dopo esser stato in Cambogia, vorresti pestare Henry Kissinger fino a spellarti le mani” ~ Anthony Bourdain Il 29 novembre 2023 all’età di cento anni è morto Henry Kissinger. La gioia invade internet. Nel…
On the Death of Henry Kissinger
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands” –Anthony Bourdain On November 29th, 2023, Henry Kissinger died at the age of 100. The internet rejoices. For years, Kissinger had been a living embodiment of evil that would just not die, in the realm of…
Barack Obama Terrorista
National Public Radio (Npr) ha condotto il suo programma “La Settimana Politica” del dodici settembre con un’analisi del messaggio alla nazione in cui Obama ha parlato dello Stato Islamico. Giornalisti e mezzibusti hanno discusso i fondamenti del messaggio: È stato abbastanza duro? Riuscirà nel suo compito? Chi c’è dietro Isis? Ripensandoci, mi sono accorto che…
Barack Obama: Terrorist
National Public Radio (NPR) led its “Week in Politics” program of September 12 off with analysis of US president Barack Obama’s address to the nation on the Islamic State. Various journalists and talking heads discussed the fundamentals of Obama’s speech — was it strong enough, will it get the job done, just who is ISIS anyway? Afterward, I realized the United…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 44
Pepe Escobar discusses why Obama is bombing ISIS. Alex Kane discusses 11 facts about police militarization. Philip Giraldi discusses the GOP. John Maxwell Hamilton discusses how WW1 led to modern propaganda and surveillance. Charles Davis discusses how America helped make the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria. Joshua Cook discusses blowback in Iraq. Ted Snider…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 42
Jacob G. Hornberger discusses whether the CIA should be reformed rather than abolished. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses why the CIA should be abolished. Kevin Carson discusses accusations of agri-terrorism. Ivan Eland discusses how the current situation in Libya shows the folly of U.S. interventionism. Lucy Steigerwald discusses the importance of graphic photos of war. David…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory