Tag: Independence Day
Liar dan Bebas
Oleh: Grant A. Mincy. Teks aslinya berjudul “Wild and Free.” Diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. John Adams percaya bahwa Hari Kemerdekaan akan menjadi perayaan ulang tahun yang besar. Dia benar! Tanggal 4 Juli adalah hari libur utama saat musim panas. Pasca titik balik matahari, pada hari ini orang – orang merayakan dengan parade megah, olahraga dan permainan,…
El legado dual de la Declaración de Independencia
Roderick Long.  Artículo original: The Dual Legacy of the Declaration of Independence, publicado el 4 de julio de 2019. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Nadie debería levantar las barras y estrellas el día 4. La bandera adecuada para izar el 4 de julio es la bandera negra de la anarquía. –Nick Manley El 4 de julio…
The Dual Legacy of the Declaration of Independence
No one should raise the stars and stripes on the 4th. The proper flag to raise on the 4th of July is the black flag of anarchy. – Nick Manley The Fourth of July commemorates the anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence, a document which the anarchist must view with mixed emotions. The document’s…
Wild and Free
John Adams believed Independence Day would become a great anniversary festival. He was right. July fourth is the central holiday of the summer. Post solstice, on this day folks celebrate with pomp parades, sports and games, the cracking of rifles, the blaze of bonfires and the pop, flash and fizzle of fireworks. It is a…
American Anarchism
On July 2nd, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, officially breaking ties between the American colonies and the British empire. It is the idealism behind this document and American independence that folks across the United States will celebrate this 4th of July. The 4th is the central holiday of the summer season and liberty is…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory