Tag: IMF
La Giornata delle Vittime del Capitalismo
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Victims of Capitalism Day, pubblicato il 10 maggio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Su Reason Ilya Somin, secondo una sua pratica annuale iniziata nel 2007, ha scelto il primo maggio, festa dei lavoratori, per commemorare la “Giornata delle Vittime del Comunismo”. Somin parla di 80-100 milioni di vittime nel ventesimo secolo…
Victims of Capitalism Day
At Reason Ilya Somin, in keeping with his annual practice since 2007, has chosen May 1 — May Day — as his date for  observing “Victims of Communism Day.” Somin cites the “authoritative” Black Book of Communism as his source for a death toll of 80-100 million in the 20th century. To put that “authoritative”…
Ανοικτή Επιστολή προς τον Ελληνικό Λαό
Προς τον λαό της Ελλάδας. Εμείς στο Κέντρο για μια Ακρατική Κοινωνία (Center for a Stateless Society) λυπόμαστε για την πρόσφατη απογοήτευση σας στην αποδοχή από τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ του καθεστώντος λιτότητας που σας επιβλήθηκε από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Δυστυχώς, κινήματα τα οποία εστιάζονται στην κατάληψη της κρατικής εξουσίας ως τον κύριο άξονα του αγώνα, καταλήγουν…
An Open Letter to the Greek People
To the people of Greece. We at Center for a Stateless Society extend our sympathies for your recent disappointment from the Syriza government’s acceptance of the austerity regime imposed on you by the European Union. Unfortunately, movements that focus on capturing the state as the primary axis of struggle find themselves, not only not empowered,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory