Tag: FSB
Apa yang Dilakukan Rezim Putin terhadap Anarkis Rusia
Oleh: Citizen Ilya. Teks aslinya berjudul “How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Support Ringo by considering becoming his Patron. Jika kalian mengikuti berita mengenai Rusia, kalian pasti mengetahui tentang apa yang terjadi saat ini terhadap para oposisi dan aktivis politik. Kediktatoran Putin sedang berfokus pada penyiksaan…
Come il Governo Putin Tratta gli Anarchici Russi
Di Citizen Ilya. Originale pubblicato il 23 marzo 2019 con il titolo How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Se seguite ciò che sta accadendo in Russia, probabilmente sapete cosa stanno passando attivisti politici e persone dell’opposizione. La dittatura putiniana si basa sulla tortura e il carcere per chiunque non condivida…
How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists
If you follow the news about Russia, then you probably know what’s happening right now with opposition and political activists. Putin’s dictatorship focuses on torture and imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with authoritarian anti-social politics. If somebody is struggling against total poverty and unfairness, then they will face repression from  government structures such as FSB…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory