Tag: Vladimir Putin
Oleh: Citizen Ilya. Teks aslinya berjudul “How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Support Ringo by considering becoming his Patron. Jika kalian mengikuti berita mengenai Rusia, kalian pasti mengetahui tentang apa yang terjadi saat ini terhadap para oposisi dan aktivis politik. Kediktatoran Putin sedang berfokus pada penyiksaan…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Don’t Use the LGBTQIA+ Community to Justify U.S. Interventionism del 4 marzo 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il Gay Times scriveva la settimana scorsa che, stando a “una lettera inviata il 20 febbraio a Michelle Bachelet, alto commissario per i diritti umani dell’Onu”, secondo le autorità statunitensi la Russia avrebbe un…
For eight years, Russian state propaganda was always saying that Ukraine and its citizens were our enemies. By implying that all Ukrainians are neo-Nazis and pigs, common people of both countries got divided by the elites. I have some friends from Ukraine, mostly we share the same anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist views. And why the…
Last week, The Gay Times reported that—based on “a leaked letter sent on 20 February to Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations’ (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights”—U.S. officials claim there is an official Russian list of “‘journalists, activists and gay rights advocates’ to punish in the event it invades Ukraine.” Would this be in line…
Di Citizen Ilya. Originale pubblicato il 23 marzo 2019 con il titolo How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Se seguite ciò che sta accadendo in Russia, probabilmente sapete cosa stanno passando attivisti politici e persone dell’opposizione. La dittatura putiniana si basa sulla tortura e il carcere per chiunque non condivida…
If you follow the news about Russia, then you probably know what’s happening right now with opposition and political activists. Putin’s dictatorship focuses on torture and imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with authoritarian anti-social politics. If somebody is struggling against total poverty and unfairness, then they will face repression from government structures such as FSB…
If anything can be said to be entertaining about liberals’ reaction to Putin’s possible role in the DNC leaks, it’s what it inadvertently reveals about the unexamined foreign policy assumptions they share with conservatives. Coming as it does on top of a long Trump history of weird Putin adulations, the possibility that Russia hacked the…
Paul Krugman recentemente argumentou que “conquistar é para perdedores” (“Conquest is for Losers“, New York Times, 21 de Dezembro) como Vladimir Putin: “Não é possível tratar uma sociedade moderna da forma que a antiga Roma tratava uma província conquistada sem destruir as riquezas que você está tentando conquistar. Nesse meio tempo, a guerra ou a…