Tag: Flint Michigan
Jeffrey Tucker e l’elogio del Saccheggio
Di Tony Dreher. Originale pubblicato il 30 gennaio 2016 con il titolo Jeffrey Tucker’s Praise for Plunder. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un recente articolo, pubblicato su FEE con il titolo “Walmart, Pepsi Rescue Flint from Government Failure”, Jeffrey Tucker plaude ai 6,5 milioni di bottiglie d’acqua donati da Walmart, Coca Cola, Pepsi e Nestlé…
Reason’s Cure for Flint: More of the Disease
In a Feb. 1 article at Reason, Adrian Moore outlines his solution for the poison water crisis in Flint. He states his proposal straightforwardly enough in the title: “Here’s How to Fix Flint’s Water System: Privatize It.” This strikes me as curing the disease with more of the same disease. Some right-libertarians are sure to…
Jeffrey Tucker’s Praise for Plunder
In a recent article at FEE, “Walmart, Pepsi Rescue Flint from Government Failure,” Jeffrey Tucker celebrates the generous donation of 6.5 million bottles of water Walmart, Coke, Pepsi, and Nestle have made to the schoolchildren of Flint, Michigan to ameliorate their ongoing water crisis. Tucker takes this contribution as evidence of a general trend: “In…
Flint’s Toxic Waters Reflect Government
Flint is among many cities in Michigan, like Detroit, that have lost their luster since the automotive industry slowed down. This caused people within the community to move and the economy to suffer as a result. One way in which Flint is different from other cities is its unclean water. Though the news headlines are only now…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory