Tag: experimentation
David Graeber. Pirate Enlightenment, Or the Real Libertalia (Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2023). “This is a book about pirate kingdoms, real and imagined,” Graeber begins what is likely to be the last book that appears under his name. “It’s also about a time and place where it is very difficult to tell the difference between…
Di Gary Chartier. Originale: Making Room for Social Experimentation Should Be a Priority for the Left, dell’undici maggio 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Chi a sinistra contesta l’autoritarismo delle politiche sanitarie potrebbe spostarsi verso l’estremismo. Speriamo. Chi contesta la mano politica pesante sulla pandemia giustamente evidenzia una serie di questioni. La chiusura delle scuole rischia…
Commentators criticizing authoritarian health policies from the mainstream left could turn more radical. I hope they do. Leftist critics of heavy-handed political responses to the Covid-19 pandemic have rightly noted multiple concerns. School closures risk decades-long damage to the most vulnerable students. Business closures harmed workers and employers even as they enjoyed substantial support from…