Tag: Ebola
Dejemos que el mercado contenga el Ébola
Los intentos de los políticos estadounidenses para crear pánico sobre un posible brote de Ébola en los Estados Unidos parecen haber fracasado. La familia y otros contactos del “paciente cero” estadounidense Thomas Eric Duncan completaron una cuarentena de 21 días sin que surgiesen nuevos casos en el grupo. Dos enfermeras que trataron a Duncan ahora…
Let the Market Contain Ebola
American politicians’ attempts to create panic over a potential Ebola outbreak in the United States seem to have failed. Family and other contacts of US “patient zero” Thomas Eric Duncan completed a 21-day quarantine with no new cases appearing in that pool. Two nurses who treated Duncan are now symptomatic, but this seems to be…
Pandemics: A Networked Approach to Crisis Management Needed
In recent weeks the Ebola virus has dominated media headlines. Fueling global interest, the AP reports a nurse in Spain is the first person known to catch Ebola outside the outbreak zone in West Africa. The nurse treated two missionaries who traveled to the plagued region and contracted the virus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of October…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory