Tag: Democratic Confederalism
​Revolusi di Rojava: Otonomi Demokratis di Kurdistan
Oleh: Anon. Teks aslinya berjudul “Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy in Kurdistan.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah Bangsa Kurdi adalah bangsa tanpa negara terbesar di dunia. Diperkirakan 40 juta orang Kurdi tinggal di Iran, Irak, Suriah, dan Turki. Terlepas dari asal-usul dan praktik budaya bersama mereka, keempat negara ini telah menolak pengakuan Kurdi atas identitas atau…
Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy in Kurdistan
The Kurdish people are the largest stateless nation in the world. An estimated 40 million Kurds live in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Despite their common origins and cultural practices, these four states have denied the Kurds recognition of their identity or autonomy as a distinct minority with their own culture and language. At different…
Reseña de: La Urbanización a las Ciudades
De Joseph Parampathu. Artículo original: Review: From Urbanization to Cities, del 28 de febrero 2022. Traducción española de Kesabel Babe. Reseña de From Urbanization to Cities: The Politics of Democratic Municipalism (La política del municipalismo democrático) de Murray Bookchin. From Urbanization to Cities The Politics of Democratic Municipalism by Murray Bookchin (AK Press, 2021). En…
Review: From Urbanization to Cities
Review of From Urbanization to Cities: The Politics of Democratic Municipalism by Murray Bookchin From Urbanization to Cities The Politics of Democratic Municipalism by Murray Bookchin (AK Press, 2021)  In this updated version of the late Murray Bookchin’s initial 1987 title The Rise of Urbanization and the Decline of Citizenship, now with an introduction by…
Let the People Fight Their Own Wars
As the War on Terror wages on and the threat of ISIS seems to constantly loom over us, threatening our very safety at every turn according to most mainstream news sources, Americans are left wondering how we are to fight this very real monster that the U.S. government helped to create. While some folks toe…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory