Tag: democracy
Support C4SS with Emma Goldman’s “Minorities versus Majorities”
For every copy of Emma Goldman’s “Minorities versus Majorities” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell
Unlike many dissident histories of the United States, which attempt to portray racial minorities, sexual subcultures and subordinate classes as “worthy victims” in terms of the social mores of the white middle class, Thaddeus Russell celebrates the kind of people that your parents may have warned you about: the low-down, no-count, not-respectable people. You know,…
The Quality of Publicness
Coetzee: We may call a thing public because it belongs to the public and thus in a sense proceeds from the public; or we call a thing public because it is intended for the public.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “Repudiation Now”
For every copy of ALL Distro’s “Repudiation Now” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Control Your Local Police
While reflecting on recent episodes of police misconduct in my community and beyond, I began to think about how much law enforcement agencies resemble the Catholic Church. And no, this is not a pre-St. Patrick’s day Irish joke. Consider the following: The Church and police departments have both become safe havens for criminal abusers of authority….
Antiharmonism and the Betrayal of Liberty
Neil M. Tokar: The lesson is don’t work through the system or with members of the ruling class because there is a high probability of getting stabbed in the back by the phony “liberty” alliance member.
“Anti-war” Liberals: No More Excuses
Trevor Hultner: “Congressional control” is exactly the opposite of what we want. The military drone program, among other things, needs to be completely dismantled, not “regulated.”
Statism and the Illusion of Choice
Sebastian A.B.: Voters place their hope in God-Kings called Presidents, expecting sociopaths to lift them out of servitude. An introductory buckshot critique of the most holy word, “democracy,” or Hans-Herman Hoppe’s “god that failed.”
Rise of the Indigenous Protest Movement: Idle No More and Native Liberty
Mike Reid: They are seeking a path back to autonomy and self-determination.
Did the Government Drive Aaron Swartz to Suicide?
Sheldon Richman: Swartz was a passionate champion of technology’s power to liberate and democratize. He vowed to fight anything which threatened that potential. This offended powerful vested interests.
A la Izquierda, Ofelia: 11 Argumentos Para Abandonar el Macarthismo
Nicolás Morás: “Esta no es la primera vez. Los grandes hitos del movimiento liberal y su evolución libertaria están no casualmente ligados al acercamiento a las otras izquierdas”.
After Greed, Comes Fear
The reality is considerably more complicated, with all sorts of permutations and combinations of public and private.
A Plea for Public Property
An all-private system can be oppressive, just as an all-public one can be.
How to Reach the Left – Roderick T. Long
Presented at the Mises Circle in Chicago: “Strategies for Changing Minds Toward Liberty,” 9 April 2011.
Smaller Pie, Fairer Slices
Inequality is a scourge that is not going to go away.
Mene, Mene, Tequel e Parsim(*)
Carson lê a escritura na parede da Propriedade Intelectual – IP.
Come Home, America
Bill Kauffman: Liberals need another George McGovern—and perhaps conservatives do too.
Indiana University celebrates the lives of Elinor and Vincent Ostrom
Indiana University administrators, faculty and students will celebrate their lives at 3 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, in the IU Auditorium in Bloomington.
La Perversidad Inherente del Cambio Social Logrado por Medios Electorales, Edición Venezuela
Según Alan Furth, la democracia puede a lo sumo aliviar los síntomas de la enfermedad social, pero nunca curarla de raíz.
The Inherent Perversity of Social Change through Electoral Means, Venezuelan Edition
Alan Furth on how democracy, at best, alleviates the symptoms of social disease — but never cures its fundamental cause.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory