The capital and land of the rich is worthless to them without a supply of labor to produce surplus value.
Kevin Carson: History can’t be done a priori.
Ken MacLeod: A society of conscious and voluntary co-operation can’t be established unconsciously or unwillingly.
Less Antman: Anarchy is not a system. It is an attitude of respect for other people, and a rejection of master-slave relationships (with no exception for government officials).
Carson: As more and more disgruntled workers figure out the possibilities, it will be impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.
Rothbard didn’t exactly fit the “pot-smoking Republican” stereotype.
Ken MacLeod: What if capitalism is unstable, and socialism is impossible?
If there are no capitalists pocketing the productivity gains for themselves, then the gains must go somewhere else.
Gary Chartier: Libertarians rightly reject statist redistribution as a variety of slavery. But they have every reason to embrace solidaristic, transactional, and rectificational redistribution.
In the case of the corporate economy, it’s almost meaningless.
Claire Wolfe: We Need Jobs Like We Need Cancer
“harmony would result from an ever-changing adjustment and readjustment of equilibrium between the multitude of forces and influences”
Carson: In such an economy, associated labor might hire capital instead of the other way around, and the natural state of the free market be cooperative production under the control of the producers.
Each of these movements, in its own way, offers some potential as a basis for common action with the left against the increasing authoritarianism police state, and against the corporate-state nexus that dominates the economy.
Long: Libertarians have not always been so friendly to business interests.
Long: Is it true that objective law can be provided only by a governmental monopoly?
On this latest anniversary I want to talk about how the state breeds war – both in the sense of provoking attacks like 9/11, and in the sense of generating its own misguided responses, like the Iraq war.
There’s no reason whatever for libertarians to surrender the concept of social justice to the statist left.
“Corporate capitalists don’t want free markets, they want dependable profits, and their surest route is to crush the competition by controlling the government.” – RFK, Jr.
The focus will be on new technology, new infrastructure, new models and new processes that replace the vulnerable ones that are the causes of so many of today’s global problems — and ensuring that these replacements are Open Source, and stay in the hands of all the world’s people.