On Labadie’s Spelling of ‘Kropotkine’
Throughout my archiving of Laurance Labadie’s works, I have noticed he has unique spellings of a number of words. In particular, he spells “Kropotkin” (Кропо́ткин) with an “e” at the end: “Kropotkine.” For example, he writes in “Objections to Communism:” Most communist-anarchists are followers of Kropotkine, who showed that mutual aid was a factor in…
Laurance Labadie’s “Infantile Radicalism”
Infantile Radicalism A mature person is one who has outgrown childish emotional impulses. He has learnt about himself and his environment thru personal experience, and has become able to control his emotional feelings in a rational manner. He has emerged from the sheltered dream world of childhood and been weaned to face reality. His reactions…
Herbert C. Roseman’s “Laurance Labadie and His Critics”
Laurance Labadie and His Critics Laurance Labadie, the last of the individualist anarchists, heir of Warren, Spooner, and Tucker has in recent months been dismissed as a veritable fossil by a young Wobbly (who feels that individualist anarchism is hopelessly bourgeois), characterized by a disciple of Ludwig Von Mises as being “incapable of reasoned thought,”…
Labadie Reviews Nock
Labadie Reviews Nock Our Enemy, the State, by Albert Jay Nock* Mr. Nock begins with the vital distinction between the State and society, showing in the course of his work, that the State, every State, originated and functions for only one purpose—conquest and economic exploitation. Although resting upon violence, the State, in the final analysis,…
Paul Avrich’s Interview with Laurance Labadie
Interview with Laurance Labadie My father, as you know, was an anarchist in Detroit. Mother was a devout Catholic, but gentle and undomineering. Neither of them told me what to do and how to behave. They never said, “Don’t do this” or “Don’t do that,” but let me develop in my own way. Father never…
Laurance Labadie’s “The History of a Prognostication”
The History of a Prognostication In 1886, at the request of the editor of North American Review, [Benj]. R. Tucker wrote his famous essay, “State Socialism and Anarchism; How far they agree, and wherein they differ[;”] the article, while paid for, was not published, perhaps because of fear, because of “the Haymarket affair.” The editor…
Laurance Labadie’s “Psychological Motives Behind Collectivism”
Psychological Motives Behind Collectivism Collectivism is a doctrine of the “crowd mind”, a philosophy of incompetency. To those who have ever been the losers in the unequal, privileged, and despotic struggle for existence, who have not felt the glory and satisfaction of conquering obstacles and the achievement of aims, the thought of peace and security…
Update on the Laurance Labadie Archival Project
Things are at a bit of a standstill with the Laurance Labadie Archival Project, and this is mainly due to the fact that on top of all the other work I’m doing I simply do not have the time or energy to transcribe, edit, and respond to each of his works. The last of these…
On the Pronunciation of ‘Labadie’
I am not a[n official] historian. I have never worked professionally in any field of historical studies. Difficulty in the details of the Laurance Labadie Archival Project is therefore bound to happen, with the latest conundrum being how the surname Labadie is pronounced. In my recent appearance on Mutual Exchange Radio, I used the pronunciation…
Laurance Labadie’s “Comments on Interview Between Kerry Thornley and Harry Pollard on ‘Dialogue’”
Comments by Laurance Labadie on Interview Between Kerry Thornley and Harry Pollard on “Dialogue”  It may be somewhat gratuitous to comment on what Mr. Kerry Thornley has said on what he considers to be his understanding of economics in only a half hour show, but he has said enough I think plus his explicit endorsement…
Laurance Labadie’s “Superstition and Ignorance versus Courage and Self-Reliance”
Superstition and Ignorance versus Courage and Self-Reliance Every well informed person knows, today, that man has evolved from lower forms of animal life. With this evolution in my mind, we may imagine the progress he has made in ideas and social valuations. Primitive man worshipped the sun, which was natural because from it came both…
Laurance Labadie’s “Justice”
Justice To what extent, if any, is violence justifiable? To answer this question some standard of “justice” must be postulated. What are we to understand by the term justice? Are we to determine it in terms of the individual or in terms of society? To what extent do these starting points overlap? Does the individual,…
Laurance Labadie’s “Objections to Communism”
Objections to Communism It places the inefficient on par with the efficient, the lazy with the industrious, and the thrifty with the extravagant. Therefore it places a premium on idleness and lacks spur to industry and thrift. It makes the celebate contribute for the support of the children of his procreative brother. It divides responsibility…
Laurance Labadie’s “Comments on S.E. Parker”
Comments on S.E. Parker Re article by Sid Parker Mr. Parker totally misapprehends the meaning of the economics of liberty or anarchy. He can hardly evade the charge of being remiss, nor gloss over what may be his own ignorance, by attributing the words “panacea” and “system” to the insistence of individualist anarchists that equitable…
Laurance Labadie’s “Anarchy and Law”
Anarchy and Law Clarity, definiteness, and specificity are desired for the enhancement of understanding. But anarchism as a social philosophy suffers from the handicap of not being an affirmative theory about the activities of humans. It is rather a negative philosophy in the sense that it tries to ascertain what is invasive of the maximum…
Laurance Labadie’s “Marxian Socialism”
Marxian Socialism Socialism can be explained partially by man’s eternal desire and faith in a better life to come [1]. The very attitude of dogmatism and cock-sureness brands Socialism as unscientific. The socialists hold an exaggerated idea of the importance of economics in the materialistic interpretation of history. They hold the incorrect labor-cost theory of…
Laurance Labadie’s “Critical Comment on Social Credit” & “Extracts from Labadie”
Critical Comment on Social Credit I studied your article in “New Democracy” carefully and liked some things you said in it. Some things annoyed me tho. You speak of certain demands on the government. This surprises me. In my estimation, no one who understands liberty demands from government. For example, suppose we demand justice from…
Laurance Labadie’s “Liberty and the State”
Liberty and the State The anarchistic solution of the money problem is so simple as to cause amazement. It is to permit anyone and everyone to go into the banking system. Why not? No one objects to anyone going into the hat business or building business or any other non-invasive enterprise. Naturally those who furnish…
Laurance Labadie’s “Money and Politics”
Money and Politics Money, especially credit money, is undoubtedly one of the greatest of cooperative discoveries. Without it no great specialization of labor seems possible, except under an all-inclusive state control of industry, and even here something of its nature would be necessary to maintain a check of and on consumption Money is inconceivable without…
Laurance Labadie’s “Letter to Mother Earth”
Letter to Mother Earth Believing that the attempt to make labor-time a standard for a monetary unit a fallacy and bound to fail in practice, I submit a few questions and observations. Whose labor is to be used as a standard, the efficient or the inefficient man’s? Take any product you may, say shoes. John…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory