Who Controls the Past Controls the Future
Kevin Carson on American history and pro-state revisionism.
Be Against the Law
David S. D’Amato on Obama’s defiance of the War Powers Act.
Bitcoin: What Comes Next?
Kevin Carson describes the road ahead for the alternative currency.
Domestic Terrorism and the Lulz
Darian Worden: LulzSec reveals that people are being paid with tax money to plagiarize websites and label people domestic terrorist threats.
What Are We “Investing” In?
David S. D’Amato on government “investment”.
Big Business 101: How Not to Compete
This week at The Christian Science Monitor, Dr. Jeff Cornwall, a Belmont University business professor, discussed a new American Express poll, which found “that 81 percent of Americans say that small businesses place a greater emphasis on service than large companies do.” The “Customer Service Barometer” that AmEx conducted found that generally small businesses are…
New York is No Hero
David S. D’Amato on the New York same-sex marriage law.
No Good Guys in the War on Drugs
David S. D’Amato on the real substance of the War on Drugs.
How About a Real “Drawdown?”
David D’Amato on the Afghanistan dog and pony show
Syria and the “Popular Will”
David D’Amato on Assad and the Big Lie.
Our Corporate Military
Kevin Carson dissects Nicholas Kristoff’s argument for the US military as a socialist utopia.
Virtual Picket Lines Test Labor Economics
David D’Amato on the HuffPo writers’ strike.
The Fleecing of Greece
David S. D’Amato: “The inescapable truth is that austerity measures in Greece punish laborers for the structural imbalances of the corporate state . . . “
Publicopoly and the Sale of America
David S. D’Amato on infrastructure, monopoly and competition.
The State’s Borders, Our Cage
David S. D’Amato on Sudan and secession.
Soft Economy For Us, Record Profits for the Rich
David S. D’Amato on the milking of the American productive class
The Kind of “Public Service” We Can Do Without
David S. D’Amato on “public service”.
The State is Insane
Kevin Carson on power relations and rationality.
Syria Reveals the Nature of the State
David S. D’Amato on the Syrian government’s intensifying violent crackdown on protestors.
Putting the Nation Before the Human
Darian Worden on Mass. State Representative Ryan Fattman and how rape becomes a less serious crime than paperwork violations.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory