Sturm und Drang und Stack
Thomas L. Knapp on the response of the political class to Joe Stack.
The Imminent Demise of Government
Alex R. Knight III loves the stats.
Marching Orders
Darian Worden: You can demand real changes all you want, but don’t neglect the direct action of making real changes.
The Digital Copying Glass is Half Full
Kevin Carson explains that the notion that intellectual property somehow protects “the little guy” is a fraud.
I.R.S. Blowback
Alex R. Knight III on the recent kamikaze attack in Austin.
R.A. Wilson: Optimist?
Kevin Carson points out that we’re already in Wilson’s dystopia.
Away from the Sinking Ship of State
Thomas L. Knapp on Evan Bayh’s retirement and more: “Ladies and gentlemen, America is in a state of incipient revolution.”
Colin Ward, RIP
Kevin Carson remembers Colin Ward.
Looking Forward To Liberty
Darian Worden on Tea Parties and directions to liberty.
So-Called Free Trade Agreements are to Free Trade, as the Ministry of Love is to Love
Kevin Carson discusses the sham that is neo-liberalism.
Capital: A Diversion?
Kevin Carson says that the monopolization of capital is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
That Magical Water’s Edge
Kevin Carson marvels at the inconsistency of those who say Obama is soft on terrorist suspects, yet accuse him of socialism or fascism.
Taxes An Unnecessary Compromise on Marijuana
Thomas L. Knapp argues that touting increased tax revenue from legal weed cedes too much to the government.
Snowpocalypse? Government is the Ultimate Snow-Job
Alex R. Knight III: “the world isn’t going to grind to a halt nor civilization collapse, even if we discharge massive amounts of government bureaucrats – up to and including all of them – to sink or swim in an unfettered free market.”
The Gnarled Bush of Authority
Darian Worden on how every expression of authority is related.
Some Thoughts for the Coming Year (and Beyond)
Kevin Carson on industrial decline and rebirth.
News Flash: We “No Longer Control Our Government”
According to Kevin Carson, we never did have control of it.
The Dressing Down of Rahm Emanuel
Alex R. Knight III on Rahm Emanuel’s retarded slip of the tongue.
Statism ≠ Socialism; Pro-Market ≠ Pro-Business
Kevin Carson: “If Goldman-Sachs and the auto industry are the new hotbeds of socialism, it’s been a remarkably successful ideology.”
“Unintended Consequences”: A Feature, Not a Bug
Kevin Carson: “…the ‘unintended consequences’ are the whole damn point of it.”
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory