Tag: Newspeak
War on Public Property in Buenos Aires
I recently translated a chronicle of the recent violent crackdown on the Alberdi Hall artists collective in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It’s a perfect case study of statist attack on public property, on an autonomous initiative that produced a highly valued cultural offering for the community with a clear potential of standing on its own financial…
Nuestra Adaptación a la Conquista
David D’Amato: La guerra es por lo tanto inseparable en la práctica de lo que hemos llegado a identificar como “terrorismo”, ambos términos designan hostilidad injustificable e invasiva contra inocentes.
Our Adjustment to Conquest
David D’Amato: War is thus inseparable in practice from what we have come to identify as “terrorism,” both designating unjustifiable, invasive hostility against innocents.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory