Tag: enclosures
Apakah Pasar Bebas akan Menciptakan Kapitalisme Korporasi?
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Banyak anarkis dan sosialis berpendapat bahwa bahkan jika pasar secara teoritis dapat bersifat non-kapitalis, dan ekonomi pasar non-kapitalis dapat diciptakan, dinamika dari pasar akan menghasilkan kelahiran kembali kapitalisme. Argumentasi yang digunakan oleh kaum anarkis dan sosialis non-pasar adalah bahwa,…
Même merde, autre fête du travail
Kevin Carson. Article original : Same Shit Different Labor Day, 30 septembre 2021 Traduction Française par Guadalupe Lopes. Les apologistes de droite du capitalisme semblent avoir pour habitude d’utiliser les fêtes pour véhiculer leurs arguments. À chaque Thanksgiving, Reason ressort le buncombe ahistorique de John Stossel sur la façon dont le communisme a presque tué…
Altra Festa del Lavoro, Stesse Idiozie
Kevin Carson. Originale: Same Shit, Different Labor Day, del 13 settembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. I libertari di destra apologeti del capitalismo usano le festività come pretesto per promuovere le loro teorie. Ogni anno per la Festa del Ringraziamento Reason riesuma l’antistorica bufala di John Stossel sui padri pellegrini, prima costretti alla fame dal…
Same Shit, Different Labor Day
Right-libertarian apologists for capitalism seem to have a thing about using holidays as vehicles for their talking points. Every Thanksgiving, Reason trots out John Stossel’s ahistorical buncombe about how communism almost killed the Pilgrims before private property saved them from starvation (despite my debunking it every year). On Christmas, we get apologetics for Ebenezer Scrooge,…
L’intelletto Generale Come Avanguardia
Come evitare che i porci pascolino tra i beni comuni della conoscenza Di Asem. Originale pubblicato l’undici marzo 2019 con il titolo General Intellect as a Vanguard: Keeping the Pigs from Grazing in the Knowledge Commons. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Non è un caso se quando in documenti o discussioni formali si parla di brevetti…
General Intellect as a Vanguard: Keeping the Pigs from Grazing in the Knowledge Commons
It is not a coincidence that when patents and copyrights are described in formal documents or discussions they are always labeled as “intellectual property” and virtually never as the simple term “property.” Calling it simply property would generate confusion with actually existing forms of private property, such as land, cars, and stocks. Such private property…
No Right to Free Water — Except for Nestle
Former Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck is famous for denying that access to drinking water is a human right. But based on the company’s actions, its management seems to believe that Nestle Corporation has a human right to free water. All over the world, including in some of the most destitute and water-poor countries on earth,…
Carson Interview on Mutualizing the Water Commons
Center for a Stateless Society Senior Fellow Kevin Carson was recently interviewed by Andrew Stewart of the Rhode Island Media Cooperative on the issue of corporate water privatization, with an emphasis on commons-based ownership and cooperative management as an alternative. The interview podcast is now online here, along with a write-up by Stewart that hits…
Buen Vivir, an Alternative to Capitalism
Capitalism’s relation to spiritual attitudes and ideologies has historically been hostile. The use of magic and the holding of pagan beliefs in peasant communities in the transition from feudalism to capitalism was mercilessly crushed, as they were seen as a belief systems that removed control from the mercantile elites and prevented the mechanistic control needed…
Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. And when I say “free markets,” I am not referring to a society in which the majority of economic functions are organized through money exchange (the “cash nexus”) or business firms. By “free market” I mean only…
Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?
Some anarchists and socialists argue that, even if markets can theoretically be non-capitalist, and non-capitalist market economies can exist, the dynamics of the market will eventually lead to the restoration of capitalism. The argument used by non-market anarchists and socialists is that, in a competitive market — even a competitive market of widespread distribution of…
The Expropriation Continues on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “The Expropriation Continues” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. What’s variously called “cognitive,” “progressive” or “green capitalism,” celebrated in Paul Romer’s “New Growth Theory” and heavily promoted by the Gateses, Warren Buffett, and faux-left carpetbaggers like Bono, amounts to a scheme to give capitalism a new…
The Expropriation Continues
Contrary to mainstream classical political economy, which treated the “original accumulation of capital” as the result of thrift, saving and reinvestment on the part of the capitalist, Marx argued in the first volume of Capital that capitalism — as opposed to simple market exchange — was founded on the separation of the peasantry from their…
Interacting in a Common World: A Reply to Wolfi Landstreicher
Wolfi Landstreicher. “Anarchy on the Market? A critical look at Kevin Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” Modern Slavery 2 (Fall-Winter 2012/2013). Landstreicher begins with a critique of my approach in defending the labor theory of value in terms of Ludwig von Mises’s a priorism: But what if someone doesn’t accept the a priori assumption that there…
Accumulazione Primitiva: Il Processo della Rendita Infinita
Adam Smith, nel suo La Ricchezza delle Nazioni, mette l’appropriazione di grosse estensioni di territorio e l’“accumulazione primitiva di capitali” tra le cose che più alterano le condizioni originarie di quel processo per cui il prezzo dei beni riflette il lavoro impiegato per la produzione. Oggi, il rientro generato dal capitale e dalla terra è…
Primitive Accumulation: The Process That Keeps Giving, and Giving…
Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations, listed the appropriation of most land and the “original accumulation of capital” as the two main things that altered the primitive state of affairs where the price of goods reflected the labor involved in production. Instead, returns on capital and land became major components of price alongside the…
Why Does Ron Bailey Hate Free Markets?
Reason‘s science editor Ron Bailey (“Pope Francis and Naomi Klein Both Hate Free Markets, Technological Progress, and Economic Growth,” Reason, June 29) refers to Naomi Klein as a “prominent hater of free markets,” adding that she also hates “technological progress and economic growth.” But based on my readings of both Klein and Bailey, I think…
English Enclosures and Soviet Collectivization on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “English Enclosures and Soviet Collectivization” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Joseph R. Stromberg, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The English enclosures, standing as they do as a centerpiece in the ongoing Optimist/Pessimist debate over the industrial revolution, will be the first instance of agrarian “collectivization” or consolidation discussed…
Anarchy and the Wrench on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Anarchy and the Wrench” read by Ryan Calhoun and edited by Nick Ford. Enclosure movements devastate communities. Who we are, whether we realize it or not, is greatly influenced by our ties to the surrounding ecology. Land is emotion — a product of deep and lasting roots. But, this is of…
Anarchy and the Wrench
Arizona’s Tonto National Forest is a landscape of beautiful complexity, from the Sonoran desert’s flowering cacti to the gorges and mountains of the Mongollon Rim. Home to rare desert lakes, fertile river valleys, meandering streams and grand plains stretching across the horizon, its air is still sweet, mixed with juniper, fir and ponderosa pine. On December…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory