Frontiere Aperte Nostra Unica Speranza
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 6 settembre 2017 con il titolo Open Borders are Our Only Hope. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Immagine d’apertura: il muro che separa Nogales, Arizona, Stati Uniti, da Nogales, Sonora, Messico. Tribalismi e Frontiere Nazionali Tra i tanti pericoli degli stati nazione con le loro frontiere ci sono due paradigmi,…
Combat Illiberalism
Today marks the 80th anniversary of then-aspiring tyrant Mao Tse-tung’s “Combat Liberalism.” In that short pamphlet Mao outlines eleven ways that liberal attitudes might manifest themselves within an anti-liberal revolutionary movement like his. Broadly, Mao characterizes the liberal attitude as an orientation towards “unprincipled peace” and petty egotism. The pamphlet’s recurring theme is one of…
End the Hypocrisy: Let Us Trade with Cuba
Last week, President Trump announced intentions to roll back the Obama administration’s opening of relations between the U.S. and Cuba. Trump called for stricter enforcement of the ban on Americans visiting Cuba as tourists, as well as doing business with Cuba’s Armed Forces Business Enterprises Group.
Against The Pull Of Simplicity & Disconnect
Alexander Reid Ross. Against The Fascist Creep (AK Press, 2017). Despite the right’s stereotype of antifascist activists as close-minded thugs or paid protesters, in reality the majority have long been quite geeky, prone to lining their bookshelves with obscure fascist screeds and abstruse historical tomes. This comes with its own problems. Fascism is a multifaceted phenomenon to say…
In Defense of Extreme Cosmopolitanism
Cosmopolitanism is under assault from across the political spectrum, both in the United States and abroad. Just yesterday President Donald Trump’s chief strategist, alt-right leader and self-described economic nationalist Steve Bannon, told the Conservative Political Action Conference that “the center core of what we believe [is] that we’re a nation with an economy, not an…
Trump is keeping his promises. We must keep ours
The sun has not yet set on Donald Trump’s first week as President of the United States, and already he has made good on several major campaign promises. He has signed executive orders that pave the way for the forceful restructuring of the ACA, begin construction on both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines,…
Leftist Politicians Will Always Happily Betray Liberty & Globalism
In his first speech of the new year, an event now being dubbed the “day of chaos”, British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn seized opportunity to unleash torrents of his confusion in his support base and back-pedal on one his long-held positions. Bowing to the pressure of the conservative wing of the party — and to…
Media Coordinator Weekly Update: January 2-8, 2017
Howdy folks! It’s the end of the first week of 2017, and that means it’s time, finally, for an update on what we’ve been doing over the past seven days! No More Hiatus The last couple of months have been hectic here at C4SS. After the 10th anniversary and the Oklahoma SFL Regional Conference –…
Who Are the Real “Genociders”?
The cultural Right was in a furor recently — whether sincere or feigned — first over Drexel University Professor George Ciccariello-Maher’s Christmas Eve tweet that “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide,” and then over Drexel’s Dec. 29 decision not to fire him. The real outrage, though, is that Drexel wasted both Cicciarello-Maher’s time…
Anarchism not Nationalism
In the wake of the murder of Christmas shoppers in Breitscheidplatz public square in Berlin comes Mises Institute President Jeff Deist’s tragicomic article Market Borders, not Open Borders. After some correction that the suspect was Tunisian rather than Pakistani (making no difference to Deist), it takes him all the way up until the second sentence…
There Are No Allies In Fascists
For decades, has been the leading voice of the anti-war movement, injecting a consistently anti-authoritarian message into the conversation about foreign conflict and foreign policy. Their journalism has been celebrated among independent media and legacy media alike over the years, and their commentators are unmatched in their commitment to peace, liberty and the end…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 125
Jacob G. Hornberger discusses why open borders is the only moral and practical solution. A. Barton Hinkle discusses whether we are experiencing a new libertarian moment or not. Thomas L. Knapp discusses the courage of Muhammad Ali. Kevin Gosztlda discusses the hypocrisy of Hilary Clinton. Alastair Sloan discusses repression in Bahrain. Rich Gibson discusses Bob…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 124
Doug Bandow discusses whether China is really a threat to the U.S. Paul Street discusses the atomic bombings of Japan. Gloria Jimenez discusses USAID complicity in a Honduran assassination. Laurence M. Vance discusses why he doesn’t appreciate the military. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses open borders and libertarianism. Dan Sanchez discusses the sociology of war. Ivan…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 123
David S. D’Amato discusses Joshua King Ingalls. Laurence M. Vance discusses whether marijuana should be legalized and taxed. Jacob G. Hornberger responds to a critique of his article favoring open borders. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses Maduro and the national security state. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the welfare state and open borders. Richard M. Ebeling discusses…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 122
Peter Van Buren discusses U.S. foreign policy. Roderick T. Long discusses Ancient Greece and liberty. Stephen Kinzer discusses the Iran nuclear deal and the forces working to derail it. Shay Lafontaine discusses NATO and the humanitarian disemberment of Yugoslavia. Dan Sanchez discusses superhero movies and post-9/11 themes. Ivan Eland discusses U.S. foreign policy. Binoy Kampmark…
Editor’s Report, March 2016
C4SS produced some hard-hitting material in March. But then again, that’s nothing new. We always aim to bring you the most radical commentary on world headlines. Here are just a few of last month’s publications: Nathan Goodman remarked on the cold-blooded manner in which Washington’s Killing Machine carries out its mayhem. James Wilson and Sheldon…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 116
Conor Friedersdorf discusses civilain dead from drone strikes. Dan Sanchez discusses peace and liberty. Daniel Larison discusses the U.S. backed Saudi war on Yemen. Sheldon Richman discusses Trump’s nationalism. Ted Galen Carptenter discusses civil liberties and liberty during wartime. Yves Engeler discusses the myth of Canadian govt opposition to the Vietnam War. Thomas Harrington discusses…
Our Dreams Get Things Done
Our Dreams Get Things Done: A Response to Sheri Berman’s “No Cheers For Anarchism” In the Fall 2015 issue of Dissent Magazine, Sheri Berman asks, “What are the uses of anarchism? The short answer is, ‘not many.’” Her article, “No Cheers For Anarchism,” questions the effectiveness of anarchists at achieving their political goals. Her supporting…
A que nível Lew Rockwell está disposto a descer?
Por muito tempo, anarquistas e libertários zombaram da resposta esquerdista típica a qualquer possibilidade de uma sociedade sem estado com a pergunta retórica: “Mas e as ruas?!” Porém, agora, alguns libertários — que se consideram libertários, ao menos — subverteram e se apropriaram dessa expressão. Em resposta à proposição aparentemente autoevidente, do ponto de vista…
Quanto Può Cadere in Basso Lew Rockwell?
È da tanto che anarchici e libertari prendono in giro, riducendola a stereotipo, la classica risposta dell’infantilismo di sinistra di fronte alla prospettiva di una società senza stato: “Come la mettiamo con le strade?” Ma ora due libertari (autodefinitisi tali) hanno fatta loro questa espressione. Rispondendo all’asserzione chiaramente autoevidente secondo cui, da un punto di…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory