Criminalizing Competition
Free culture activist Nina Paley, in a recent cartoon, parodies the philosophy behind “intellectual property.” EUNICE:  “Copying a song instead of buying a copy is stealing!”  MIMI: “Doing  for yourself what you could pay someone else to do is stealing!”  BOTH:  “Competition is theft!” Unfortunately, Nina was preempted by reductio creep: The tendency of real world…
Why We Fight
Late last year, I called the first shots in Cyber World War One. I got the timing completely wrong. In fact, I was off by about 27 years. The real first shot in that war — heard ’round the world and widely lauded, but its implications not really understood — was fired in 1984 by…
Obama: The Best “Enemy” Money Can Buy
Las Vegas casino magnate Steve Wynn joins the long list of CEOs calling Barack Obama “anti-business,” denouncing him as “the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime.” Obama’s rhetoric is the kind of thing we hear only from “pure socialists.” In February 3M CEO George Buckley called Obama’s instincts “Robin…
In a Free Market, Information Wants to be Free
Kevin Carson: “In order for capitalism to exist — i.e., for a rentier class to live off the income from property — the state must intervene in the market to prevent market competition from spontaneously creating socialism.”
Put Not Your Faith in Princes — Even Liberal Ones
Kevin Carson: “…don’t fool yourself about the Democrats being the party of the little guy.”
Our Corporate Military
Kevin Carson dissects Nicholas Kristoff’s argument for the US military as a socialist utopia.
C4SS Media Coordinator Update, 06/17/11
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work.
“Public Service”? I’m Taking My Business Elsewhere
Kevin Carson puts Steven Cohen in his place.
Bitcoin: With Enemies Like Schumer, Who Needs Friends?
Charles Schumer, a charter member (along with Lieberman, Hatch and Feinstein) of the US Senate’s authoritarian moral scold caucus, is at it again. Schumer, for those who don’t recall, exemplifies the managerialist heart of darkness of 20th century liberalism. That ideology might be personified, in the colorful phrase of libertarian commentator Joe Stromberg, as “the…
C4SS Media Coordinator Update, 06/03/11
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his media outreach work promoting the Center’s content.
Copyright Argument Implications: Is Competition Theft?
Kevin Carson explains that in a free market you would have no right to a certain rate of profit.
If This Is the Free Market, Why Do I Feel So Unfree?
Kevin Carson on rhetoric versus reality.
Iceland: A Thaw in the DRM Curtain
Kevin Carson on the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative and more.
C4SS Media Coordinator Update, 05/20/11
Tom Knapp reports on the Center’s weekly media outreach results.
The Politics of Hunger
David D’Amato on rising food prices.
Profiting From Our Loss
David D’Amato: “The truth, though perhaps most will find it counterintuitive, is that unbridled economic freedom leads to economic justice.”
Those Libyan “Freedom Fighters”: The Fix is On
Kevin Carson on what’s been going on behind the scenes with regard to Libya.
Childhood’s End for Humanity?
Kevin Carson: We’re approaching the second threshold, when the technologies of abundance reach a takeoff point beyond which the social structures of expropriation can no longer keep up with the rising production curve.
Knowing the Real Enemy
Kevin Carson: “These writers [arguing that the state is a countervailing power to corporate power] have things exactly backward.  All power that is wielded by corporate interests and employers is exercised with the help of government.”
Removing Obstacles or Erecting Them?
David D’Amato on the EU’s phony “free market” rhetoric.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory