More Conflationism in the News
Carson v. de Rugy.
“American Exceptionalism;” or, It’s Not State Capitalism When America Does It
Carson: It’s only “state capitalism” when other countries do it.
The Corporate State: A House Divided Against Itself
Carson: The global state system is a gang of thieves attempting to out-con each other.
So What if SOPA Passes?
Carson says don’t worry about SOPA; make the Copyright Nazis worry.
The Lost Generation’s Call To Action
Keith Taylor: We don’t need “the job creators.”
The Lowdown on “Vulture Capitalism”
David D’Amato: The stain on Bain is mainly in one vein.
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
Carson reads the writing on the IP wall.
The War on You
Just reading this column could get you waterboarded at Gitmo.
Big Business: Good for America?
David D’Amato thinks big.
To Occupy Wall Street: A “General Strike” Producing for Ourselves
Kevin Carson: The 1% needs us; we don’t need them.
More Microsoft Larceny
Kevin warns us to be on our guard against the Beast of Redmond.
Don’t Change the Law — Ignore It
The Espinel emails show we can’t reform the state — we must break it.
The New “Mercantile System”
David S. D’Amato on the monopolization and oppression of phony “free trade.”
Wall Street Greed and Accountability
A clear, consistent message underlying the Occupation of Wall Street over the past couple weeks says that the greed of the big banks is a far-reaching social problem. Standing in as representatives of an entire corporate system, an economy characterized by mercenary avarice and a fundamental lack of justice and humanity, the banks have also…
The Making of Monopoly
Google made headlines again last week, this time countering criticisms that the company has achieved “monopoly power” versus its competitors, putting consumers at risk. The company’s chairman, Eric Schmidt, faced questioning by the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights. In his testimony, responding to questions from US Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI), Schmidt…
Authority Breeds Inequality
In a recent Christian Science Monitor op-ed (“Inequality dragon rears its head. Again.” August 26), Jared Bernstein cites “new GDP data suggest[ing] that inequality is on the rise again.” Bernstein points out that “[c]orporate profits as a share of GDP has surpassed its prerecession high while compensation has shrunk,” evidence of “two very different economies”…
Rick Perry’s Government: “Inconsequential” as a Ball and Chain
Kevin Carson calls BS on Rick Perry’s fake “small government” propaganda
Move Over, Lawrence O’Donnell
Although right-wingers like to present the issue as one of preventing the state from redistributing wealth downward, the real issue is one of stopping the state from redistributing wealth upward.
Cutting Through “Free Trade” Rhetoric
In a recent Guardian commentary, Timothy Snyder opines that “those who benefit from the Tea Party are more like British lords than American rebels.” Snyder argues that Tea Partiers are “rightwing anarchist[s]” whose “mantras of low taxation and small government have become the way to avoid discussing the challenges of globalisation.” Snyder is more right…
Achieving Healthcare Abundance
David D’Amato on how the state makes health care more expensive.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory