Tag: USA
C4SS News Analyst Thomas Knapp notes that April Fool’s Day may be the ideal day for celebrating government.
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson on the relationship between government regulation and business cartels.
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson: “There are all too many people in American politics whose real concern, concealed behind all the “free market” rhetoric, is not so much “statism” per se as statism that benefits the wrong class of people.”
Kevin Carson on self-sufficiency and sustainability in the counter-economy.
There seems to be a great deal of authoritarian weirdness among professed libertarians.
The conventional wisdom, among the punditocracy, is that a major part of any Obama stimulus package will be large-scale funding of “infrastructure.” To maximize the bang for the buck, to have a rapid effect on unemployment numbers, and to get the money into people’s hands quickly, it’s anticipated that such spending will likely go to…
The Senate Republicans have made it clear they have no principled objection to bailouts. As The Freeman editor Sheldon Richman pointed out, if they’d been motivated by free market principle, they would have just refused a bailout–period. But instead, they demanded a rewrite of the House version because it wasn’t tough enough on auto workers….
Gratuitous insults from Naomi Klein undercut left-wing free marketers.
Large-scale terrorism and the spread of nuclear weapons have exposed the sham of government protection.
The recent brutal taser assault on a UCLA student dramatically demonstrates the inequality of authority inherent to government. As such inequality is unnecessary to the provision of security services, government should be abolished.
The best way to protect the rights of a minority from other groups is the elimination of the State.
How can government possibly be trusted to protect minors?