Tag: Police Accountability
The Police Don’t Deserve Peace on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Nick Ford‘s “The Police Don’t Deserve Peace” read by Thomas J. Webb and edited by Nick Ford. It’s been three years and neither of the officers who shot Diaz have been brought to court, nor has anyone else in law enforcement been prosecuted for the crimes during the peaceful protesting or through the…
La Polizia non Merita Pace
Mi è capitato spesso di scrivere dell’immunità sistematica della polizia, un problema che solo quest’anno è costato la vita a centinaia di persone. Ma qual è la tattica da adottare contro questa violenza? Come possiamo contrastare questa assenza di responsabilità? Da tre anni, Genevieve Huizarof protesta pacificamente e si interroga sulla questione. All’inizio pensava che…
The Police Don’t Deserve Peace
I’ve written often about the systemic lack of police accountability, a problem which has cost the lives of hundreds of people in 2015 alone. But what tactics should be taken to combat police brutality? What do we do to counter this lack of accountability? Genevieve Huizar has protested peacefully for the last three years and…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory