Tag: Obama
Kevin Carson with a warning for the people of Libya.
Darian Worden on Cablegate, the massive release of classified State Department cables by Wikileaks.
Holding a libertarian position when our ideal solutions aren’t on the table is quite a challenge. It isn’t as simple as defending all property rights and the rich, and it isn’t as base as dismissing progressives as evil looters. Nuance is required, which is bad news for a soundbitten political culture.
Darian Worden examines misreporting and the real issues behind Obama’s trip to India (follow-up).
Darian Worden: Why is such a large military force going to India with Obama?
Darian Worden on Iraq and promises fulfilled in the official story.
Ross Kenyon explains that Wikileaks and Julian Assange delegitimize the state — not by begging our rulers to stop murdering people, but by exposing their criminal actions.
Kevin Carson discusses the recently revealed secret copyright treaty.
Thomas L. Knapp debunks claims that government “creates” and “saves” jobs.
Thomas L. Knapp: “There’s nothing new about using the public schools as political indoctrination centers…”
C4SS News Analyst Thomas L. Knapp on government ratcheting up the cost of health care and what to do about it.
C4SS News Analyst Thomas L. Knapp: Obama’s speech in Cairo is an anachronism.
Thomas L. Knapp on political favoritism in business.
Thomas L. Knapp: deceptive budget practices are a result of coercive political government.