Tag: Nicaragua
Kathy Gilsinan interviews Rosa Brooks. Gauri Reddy discusses Chelsea Manning and the politics of whistleblowing. Richard Hardigan discusses the brutality of the Israeli occupation. Brian Cloughley discusses the NATO-U.S. war in Afghanistan. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the military base dole. Daniel Larison discusses the continued sale of U.S. arms to Saudi Arabia and its war…
Dal ventidue di giugno scorso, la camera dei deputati della California ospita una statua da 2,4 metri e 362 chili dell’ex governatore della California e ex presidente americano Ronald Reagan. Reagan era l’unico presidente a non essere immortalato con una statua nella sede della camera del suo stato di origine. La statua è stata finanziata…
As of June 22nd, the California state capital is home to an 800 pound, 8 foot tall replica of former US president and California governor Ronald Reagan. Until now, Reagan was the only president not to be immortalized with a statue in the state house of his home state. The statue was funded by private…