Tag: monopoly
The Strategic Defeat of Labor: Your Government at Work
Kevin Carson: If labor stopped playing by the bosses’ rules and adopted a strategy of full-blown guerrilla warfare, the bosses would be begging us to sign a contract.
“The Government is US?” Not Unless We’re Citigroup
Carson: Don’t fall for the line that state functionaries “work for us.” Take a look at where they worked before they entered “public service” and watch where they go back to afterward. Guess what? They’re working there right now, too.
Vulgar Liberalism: Big Business and Its Useful Idiots
Kevin Carson: Sigh. There you have it. Just about every single cliche from the Art Schlesinger historical mythology, condensed into one short passage for your convenience.
Control Your Local Police
While reflecting on recent episodes of police misconduct in my community and beyond, I began to think about how much law enforcement agencies resemble the Catholic Church. And no, this is not a pre-St. Patrick’s day Irish joke. Consider the following: The Church and police departments have both become safe havens for criminal abusers of authority….
Deadly Contradictions: Patent Privilege vs. “Saving Lives”
Nathan Goodman: While politicians repeatedly promise to protect public health, they have long used coercive power to raise medical costs, sacrificing public health for private profits.
“a most attractive consummation”
–How Will a Free Society Come, and How Will It Operate? by Celia B. Whitehead and Ross Winn,
Airlines Merger: Competition vs. the Great Trusts
D’Amato: Government doesn’t protect us from monopolists; it empowers them to eat us alive.
Subsidiando el Apocalipsis
Cualquier libro de texto de Economía le enseña a uno que los monopolios son malos.
Open-Source Healthcare
Kevin Carson: The healthcare industry is a textbook example of what Ivan Illich (in Tools for Conviviality) called a “radical monopoly.”
Support C4SS with Roderick T. Long’s “Ten Common Objections to Market Anarchy, with 10 Responses”
For every copy of Roderick T. Long’s “Ten Common Objections to Market Anarchy, with 10 Responses” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Support C4SS with Charles Johnson’s “State Capitalism and the Many Monopolies”
For every copy of Charles Johnson’s “State Capitalism and the Many Monopolies” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
The Many Monopolies
A fully freed market means liberating essential command posts in the economy from State control, to be reclaimed for market and social entrepreneurship
Subsidizing Apocalypse
Any economics textbook will tell you that monopolies are bad things.
The Libertarian Case Against Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights have a tainted past. Originally, both patents and copyrights were grants of monopoly privilege pure and simple.
In Defense of Mutual Banking
M. George van der Meer: Monopoly and inordinate accumulation naturally attend one another.
Kapitalisme: de droom van de Farao
We naderen een overwinning in de vijfduizendjaar durende oorlog tussen de natuurlijke overvloed en de kunstmatige schaarste.
Disney’s Lucasfilm Buyout: Fighting Power with Power
Carson: Whatever corporate copyright lockdown Disney puts the franchise under couldn’t possibly exceed George Lucas’s worst. The Disney acquisition actually offers to breathe new life into the Star Wars universe.
Capitalism: Pharaoh’s Dream
Carson: We’re approaching victory in the five-thousand-year war between natural abundance and artificial scarcity.
DARPA Funding Hackerspaces? Not to Worry
Carson: The rentiers’ last-ditch plan can’t work.
Modern Commerce
Away with the parent of monopoly — government — and all other monopolies will vanish like fog before the morning sun.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory