Tag: mass shootings
Repostas Anti Estatais ao Terrorismo
Por William Gillis. Artigo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, de 8 de agosto 2019. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Mais uma semana, mais um ataque terrorista misógino ou de nacionalistas brancos. Ele estão se inspirando, eles estão formando movimentos amplos, ecossistemas, redes de células. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement,…
Respuestas antiestatales al terrorismo
William Gillis. Artículo original: Anti-State Responses to Terrorism, del 8 de agosto de 2019. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Otra semana, otro ataque terrorista misógino y/o nacionalista blanco. Se están impulsando unos a otros, están formando amplios movimientos, ecosistemas, redes de células. La base. Atomwaffen. El movimiento Rise Above. Movimiento de Identidad Americana. Nación Hammerskin. Lobos de Vinland. Vástago europeo. Chicos orgullosos. Proliferan los…
Contro il Terrore, Contro lo Stato
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato l’otto agosto 2019 con il titolo Anti-State Responses to Terrorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un’altra settimana e un altro attacco terroristico misogino e/o del nazionalismo bianco. Si incitano a vicenda, formano vasti movimenti, ecosistemi, reti di cellule. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement, Hammerskin Nation, Wolves…
Anti-State Responses to Terrorism
Another week, another misogynist and/or white nationalist terrorist attack. They’re urging each other on, they’re forming broad movements, ecosystems, networks of cells. The Base. Atomwaffen. The Rise Above Movement. American Identity Movement. Hammerskin Nation. Wolves of Vinland. European Kindred. Proud Boys. The names and factions proliferate. Hordes congregate online to cheer the latest atrocity and…
Homonationalism in the Wake of the Pulse Shooting
In the wake of a tragedy, there is almost always an onslaught of public opinion articles, media coverage, and public commentary. In many cases, the media and the public respond to tragedy in a way that either supports state institutions or minimizes their negative functions and actions. This support for the state, its projects, and…
Arm the Mentally Ill
On August 7th, movie theater shooter James Holmes was sentenced to life in prison. At the sentencing hearing, Holmes’s mother pleaded that he was a sweet, innocent boy whose mental illness haunted him and eventually turned him into a murderer. From Columbine to Charleston, every time a white man opens fire, mental illness is the…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory