Tag: left-libertarian
Less Antman: Anarchy is not a system. It is an attitude of respect for other people, and a rejection of master-slave relationships (with no exception for government officials).
Carson: As more and more disgruntled workers figure out the possibilities, it will be impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.
Rothbard didn’t exactly fit the “pot-smoking Republican” stereotype.
Ken MacLeod: What if capitalism is unstable, and socialism is impossible?
Stay tuned to this channel for additional chapters.
Gary Chartier: Libertarians rightly reject statist redistribution as a variety of slavery. But they have every reason to embrace solidaristic, transactional, and rectificational redistribution.
It originated during the French Revolution.
“harmony would result from an ever-changing adjustment and readjustment of equilibrium between the multitude of forces and influences”
Each of these movements, in its own way, offers some potential as a basis for common action with the left against the increasing authoritarianism police state, and against the corporate-state nexus that dominates the economy.
Long: Libertarians have not always been so friendly to business interests.
Long: Is it true that objective law can be provided only by a governmental monopoly?
Carson: The common thread running through the left-libertarian response is that most of the evils currently remedied by the state result from state intervention in the first place.
There’s no reason whatever for libertarians to surrender the concept of social justice to the statist left.
What Kind of Commitment Is Libertarianism?
Among these various schools, nearly everyone agrees on the putative facts of American history; disagreements arise over frameworks of interpretation and over evaluation.
Carson: Licensing regimes, stand in the way of transforming one’s skill into a source of income, and raise the cost of doing so.
A new term is obviously required, and so I’ve come up with one. Maybe it will stick, maybe it won’t, but the phenomenon is real and to the extent that it is analyzed it has to be called something.
Plantation agriculture is able to outcompete the peasant proprietor only through “preferential access to credit and government-subsidized technology….”
Anarchism, the belief in the greatest amount of liberty compatible with equality of liberty.
The problem with mainstream libertarianism is its almost total departure from its radical roots.