Tag: left-libertarian
Proudhon, by piling up his contradictions this way, was not merely being French.
Chat with Gary Chartier, Roderick Long, Charles Johnson, and Sheldon Richman!
John Holbo offers the first of three essays critical of left libertarianism from the Bleeding Heart Libertarian Symposium.
Roderick T. Long: Left-libertarians differ from the (current) libertarian mainstream both in terms of what outcomes they regard as desirable, and in terms of what outcomes they think a freed market is likely to produce.
Gary Chartier: Left-libertarianism in the relevant sense is a position that is simultaneously leftist and libertarian.
The Center for a Stateless Society has been give permission to (re)publish the BHL Left-Libertarian Symposium articles on our site.
[O] libertarismo deseja promover princípios de propriedade mas . . . de modo algum deseja defender . . . toda propriedade que hoje é chamada de privada.
Jason Byas: Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, at least he got one thing right.
Kevin Carson explica por que o extremismo de “extrema esquerda” não é reprovável.
State socialism has attempted to realize socialism through the power of the state. Not surprisingly, given everything we know about states, state socialism has proven in most respects to be a disaster.
Gary Chartier: An authentically leftist position, I suggest, is marked by opposition to subordination,exclusion, and deprivation.
Left libertarianism is authentically leftist because it seeks to challenge privilege, hierarchy, exclusion, deprivation, and domination–both ideologically and practically.
C4SS trustee and senior fellow, Gary Chartier, presents his Students for Liberty philosophical seminar
Jeremy Weiland: To all left libertarians, anarchists, and advocates of a voluntary society, I give this book the very highest recommendation possible.
Roderick T. Long: The Case for Libertarian Anarchism
Suzanne La Follette: Political government offers privilege every facility for circumventing the popular will whenever it becomes inimical to the interests of privilege, as it is the business of political government to do.
Chip In to get C4SS and Markets Not Capitalism to Libertopia!
The capital and land of the rich is worthless to them without a supply of labor to produce surplus value.
Kevin Carson: History can’t be done a priori.