Tag: Korea
Bapak “Kemandirian”: Nasionalis Korea yang Menjadi Anarkis Visioner, Sin Chae-Ho
Oleh Rob York. Teks aslinya berjudul: The Father of “Self-Reliance”: Korea’s Nationalist Turned Anarchist Visionary, Sin Chae-ho. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Korea Utara dan Selatan tidak memiliki banyak kesamaan pada saat ini, setelah puluhan tahun dihabiskan dalam sistem politik dan ekonomi yang sangat berbeda. Namun, ada satu hal yang diwariskan oleh kedua…
The Father of “Self-Reliance”: Korea’s Nationalist Turned Anarchist Visionary, Sin Chae-ho
North and South Korea don’t have much in common today, after decades spent in very different political and economic systems. However, there is one thing both sides of the DMZ have inherited: the concept of minjok, a word that translates as “people” but can refer, more broadly, to both the Korean nation and the Korean…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 94
Medea Benjamin discusses 10 steps to wean the U.S. off militarism. Ron Jacobs discusses the footprint of the U.S. military in Africa. Sam Husseini discusses U.S. government violence from Hiroshima to Iraq. Uri Avnery discusses the divide and conquer strategy of Netanyahu. George Selgin discusses how the Federal Reserve is joining the War on Drugs….
La Fuerza está en la Ignorancia: Edición Kim Jon Un
Carson: El gobierno de EE.UU. es un estado. Y mentir deliberada y desvergonzadamente cuando sirve a sus intereses es lo que los hacen los estados. No permitas que mueran millones de personas por una mentira.
Ignorância é Força: Edição Kim Jong Un
Carson: O governo dos Estados Unidos é um estado. E mentir — deliberadamente, cinicamente — onde mentir sirva a seus interesses é o que os estados fazem. Não permita que milhões de pessoas morram por causa de uma mentira.
Ignorance is Strength: Kim Jong Un Edition
Carson: The U.S. government is a state. And lying — deliberately, shamelessly — whenever it serves their interests is what states do. Don’t let millions die for a lie.
Korea’s Government Problem
Darian Worden advocates subversion, not war.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory