Tag: journalists
Riot Journalism
How to ethically cover social unrest is a complex debate, it is also an increasingly necessary one “A riot is the language of the unheard.” – Martin Luther King, 1966 Bogota, Colombia – Civil unrest is often the only available tool for people without voices. From the United States, to Berlin, to India, to Moscow,…
Russia Targets Journalists in New Wave of Repression
In a concerning development for radicals everywhere, Russian officials have been cracking down on journalists with renewed vigor. In particular, journalist Ivan Golunov was recently arrested on fabricated drug charges and help for six days. While Golunov was released on June 11th, following a massive outpouring of support from journalists and citizens alike, there remains…
Missing Comma: Getting Paid?
The American Journalism Review reported last week that journalists’ wages were falling behind the national average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While reporters’ wages increased from $40,000 to around $44,000 in the period between 2003 and 2013, the rest of the country rose from $36,000 to over $46,000 in the same time span….
Missing Comma: Announcing the C4SS Podcast Network
So, this is pretty exciting. As of today, C4SS podcasts is a thing! You can grab the RSS feed here, and very soon we will have confirmation from iTunes and Stitcher Radio that we’ve been added to their sites as well. So why podcasts? Don’t y’all have YouTube? The Center does indeed have a YouTube…
“Missing Comma: ‘Pass It! Consequences Be Damned!'” on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Trevor Hultner‘s “Missing Comma: ‘Pass It! Consequences Be Damned!’” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Through their definition of who gets to be a journalist, they’re not. They are making sure that the outlets that crave the most access – the major networks, public radio, major newspapers – are the only…
Missing Comma: the #myNYPD Anti-campaign is Not a PR Failure
What happens when the New York Police Department – famous for its racial profiling, Stop and Frisk, spying on Muslims, ripping people’s testicles out and beating up and groping protesters – tries to use Twitter to improve its public relations image? Well, people who have been stop-and-frisked, racially profiled, spied on, beat up and groped…
Missing Comma: “Pass It! Consequences Be Damned!”
The Daily Beast’s Geoffrey Stone has drawn the line in the sand when it comes to the Free Flow of Information Act. He has made it clear which side he’s on. He believes that the only way journalism can continue to be free in the United States of got-dang America is if journalists have the…
Missing Comma: Some Notes on Ethics
The Society of Professional Journalists is one of those institutions within journalism that can be counted on to almost never change. That’s why the release of their latest draft of their new ethics code is such a big deal. If you remember back a ways, you’ll recall that I’ve brought up SPJ in the ethical…
Missing Comma: Informing The Public vs. The Knowledge Problem
Initial thoughts on “Informing the News” I recently picked up a copy of Harvard journalism professor Thomas E. Patterson’s latest book, “Informing the News: The Need for Knowledge-Based Journalism.” One of the things that immediately interested me about the work was its thesis, that the cure for journalism’s current “crisis of confidence,” as Patterson refers…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory