Il mese scorso, con un tono che potrebbe essere definito da excusatio non petita, l’ex primo ministro britannico Tony Blair ha voluto rassicurare la popolazione dicendo che “noi” (il Regno Unito e gli Stati Uniti) “dobbiamo liberarci dell’idea che siamo stati noi a causare” la destabilizzazione dell’Iraq e l’emergere dell’Isis. Oh no, siete stati voi,…
Musa al-Gharbi discusses Obama’s foreign policy. Alice Slater discusses how drone assassinations violate the rule of law. Bert Sacks discusses sectarian violence in Iraq. Patrick Cockburn discusses the appeal of ISIS. Shamus Cooke discusses regional war in the Middle East. Kevin Carson reviews a new book by Rich Lowry. William Rivers Pitt discusses the long…
Mês passado, em um tom que pode ser descrito como insistência improvável, o ex-primeiro ministro britânico Tony Blair garantia ao público que “nós” — a Grã-Bretanha e os Estados Unidos — “temos que nos liberar da noção de que causamos” a desestabilização do Iraque pelos insurgentes do ISIS. Bom, na verdade, causaram. Retornemos à conferência…
Last month, in a tone which might best be called unlikely insistence, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair reassured the public that “we” — the UK and United States — “have to liberate ourselves from the notion that we caused” the destabilization of Iraq by the ISIS insurgency. Well, actually you did. Let’s go back…
Appena tre anni dopo aver ridotto la sua presenza in Iraq, gli Stati Uniti stanno mandando nuovamente le truppe. In risposta alle conquiste fatte dal gruppo jihadista Isis nella sua ultima offensiva, il presidente americano Barack Obama sta mandando in Iraq 275 soldati per “fornire supporto e sicurezza al personale e all’ambasciata americana di Bagdad.”…
Just three years after winding down its presence in Iraq, the United States is sending troops back in. In response to the gains made by jihadist group ISIS in its recent offensive, US president Barack Obama is sending 275 troops to Iraq to “provide support and security for US personnel and the US Embassy in…
Ivan Eland discusses why there should be no more U.S. intervention in Iraq. Sheldon Richman discusses how the non-interventionists told you so about the Iraq War. Vijay Prashad discusses the ISIS folks in Iraq. Charles Hugh Smith discusses why George W. Bush and Obama’s presidencies are the two most destructive in U.S. history. Jacob G….
The wall-to-wall coverage of the disintegration of Iraq ought to carry this credit: This bloodshed was made possible by the generosity of British and French imperialists. The stomach-wrenching violence in Iraq — not to mention the horrendous civil war in Syria, the chronic unrest in Palestine/Israel, and problems elsewhere in the Middle East — are…
Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) militants recently launched a major offensive in Iraq. They managed to seize territory from fleeing Iraqi government/police forces. These Islamic fundamentalist fighters are basically engaged in behavior no better than what the Iraqi government does. Their behavior deserves no support from friends of liberty. There is a…