Tag: imperialism
The Bipartisan Character Of American Empire And Imperialism
Both Senate Democrats and hawkish Republicans lined up to support Obama’s recent sending of military personnel to Iraq. They are allegedly there only in an advisory capacity, but those of us who know something about how the Vietnam War started have reason for doubt. This support for a supposedly strictly advisory military mission is no…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 29
Steven Reisner discusses a letter to Obama about ending torture once and for all. Ralph Nader discusses a potential left-right alliance. Vincent Navarro discusses the Mondragon worker cooperatives in Spain. James Peron discusses how people who hate gays also hate capitalists in the context of the businesses refusing to discriminate against them. Qatryk interviews Roderick…
The Death of Gabriel García Márquez: Breaking the Magic-Realist Authoritarian Spell
The passing of Gabriel García Márquez last Thursday was a particularly painful moment for anyone in Latin America – or elsewhere – who ever indulged in the sublime pleasure of reading any of the literary master’s works. But for me, the pain of the event was not exclusively due to “Gabo” all of a sudden…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons, Deportations and Empire
If you oppose mass incarceration, you should oppose empire. If you oppose imperialism and militarism, you should oppose the prison state. Empire and incarceration are two related institutions of brutal state violence, and they are mutually reinforcing. A new article by my friend Henia Belalia argues that immigrants’ rights should be understood in a context…
Talking About Whistleblowers on the Jake Shannon Show
Today I had the great pleasure of appearing on my friend Jake Shannon’s radio show. Mostly we discussed WikiLeaks whistleblower Pfc. Manning, and the work I’m doing with Freedom Torch in Salt Lake to stand in solidarity with Manning and other whistleblowers. C4SS was one of the first sponsors of the Freedom Torch Parade. While whistleblowers were the…
Ei Iraquianos: Como É Que Essa Tal de “Libertação” Está Funcionando Para Vocês?
Carson: O que exatamente “libertação” significa para Rumsfeld – Rummy, Bush – Dummy e Cheney – Scummy pode ser visto a partir do programa que Paul Bremer implementou como chefe da Autoridade Provisória da Coalizção (CPA) no Iraque.
Hey Iraqis: How’s that “Liberation” Stuff Workin’ Out For Ya?
Carson: Just what “liberation” meant to Rummy, Dummy and Scummy can be seen from the agenda Paul Bremer implemented as head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq.
Review: Dirty Wars
Nathan Goodman reviews the new film from Richard Rowley and Jeremy Scahill.
Free the Holy Land Five
This is naked political repression by the state, and amounts to nothing less than the criminalization of compassion and solidarity.
The Foreign Policy Debate: Coke or Pepsi?
Kevin Carson: However the 2012 race comes out the foreign policy will be the same, “We come in peace — shoot to kill, shoot to kill…”
Living Under Drones
To understand the drone war, read the victims’ stories.
Exporting Thuggery
Darian Worden on Western governments supporting notably repressive regimes.
The Nobel Peace Prize vs. Peace and Prosperity
Grameen Bank is, contrary to popular belief, an institution which relies heavily on state subsidies and its methods are not as much of an example of development from below as one would hope.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory