Tag: fidel castro
Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA, by Tim Weiner. 2007. Doubleday. For those interested in learning about the blunders, deceptions, crimes and disasters of the Central Intelligence Agency, Tim Weiner’s 2007 book Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA is an excellent place to start. The book presents a highly critical history of…
At the March 9 Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton had this to say about competitor Bernie Sanders’s favorable comments on Castro’s Cuba and the Sandinista regime in the ’80s: “if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions…, that is not the kind of…
El fallecimiento de Gabriel García Márquez el pasado jueves 17 de abril fue un momento particularmente doloroso para cualquiera en América Latina ‒o en cualquier otro lugar del mundo‒ que alguna vez haya experimentado el sublime placer de leer alguna de las obras del maestro literario. Pero para mí, el dolor del acontecimiento no se…
A morte de Gabriel García Márquez, no último dia 17, foi um momento especialmente doloroso para qualquer um na América Latina — ou, de fato, em qualquer outro lugar — que já tenha se aventurado a ler algum dos trabalhos desse mestre literário. Porém, para mim, a dor do evento não se deveu exclusivamente ao…