Tag: education
Cultivating Academic Culture
Imagine you make your living as a university professor  –  you have a low salary, no health benefits and no retirement benefits. Now imagine that at the end of this semester your career will be suddenly terminated with no due process or severance pay. Now imagine this circumstance is not unique – because it’s not. This circumstance is experienced…
How to (Inadvertently) Argue Against the Public Education System
In a recent article, Allison Benedikt makes her case that, as the title says, “If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person” (Slate, August 29). She clarifies: “Not bad like murderer bad — but bad like ruining-one-of-our-nation’s-most-essential-institutions-in-order-to-get-what’s-best-for-your-kid bad.” The proper course of action, she argues, is to take one for…
Old-Time Libertarian Community: The Ferrer Colony of Stelton, New Jersey
On a rainy day in May of 1915, the first settlers of the Ferrer Colony of Stelton got off their train from New York and walked about a mile to their new homes. The crowd on its way to the old farmstead included 32 children who would be enrolled in the radical school that anchored…
A Nova Academia
Muitos economistas acham que a próxima bolha a estourar em nossa atual crise será a dos empréstimos a estudantes. A dívida de empréstimos a estudantes encontra-se em alta histórica, e as taxas de empréstimos federais estão prestes a dobrar, de 3,4% para 6,8% – a despeito de pequeno esforço para fazer com que os juros dos empréstimos a estudantes acompanhem…
The New Academy
Many economists think that the next bubble to burst in our current crisis will be student loans. Student loan debt is at a historic high, and federal loan rates are about to double, from 3.4% to 6.8% – despite a small effort to have student loan interest rates mimic the rates government grants big banks. This…
In the Corporate-State Education System, You’re the Product.
Kevin Carson: The current educational system is essentially a Taylorist-Fordist mass production system.
Teachers Leave Those Kids Alone
And within five months, they had hacked Android.
Sons of a Laboring God
Joe Bageant: Getting Down and Dumb at Burt’s Tavern
Educación y Guerra… de Clase
Thomas L. Knapp: “No hay nada nuevo en usar las escuelas públicas como centros de adoctrinamiento político…”
Chris Christie Won’t Solve Public Education
Darian Worden: Conservatives just want government education to be a cheaper problem.
On Education: Class Warfare
Thomas L. Knapp: “There’s nothing new about using the public schools as political indoctrination centers…”
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory