Tag: counter-power
Iceland: A Thaw in the DRM Curtain
Kevin Carson on the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative and more.
Legibility & Control: Themes in the Work of James C. Scott
Kevin Carson’s twelfth research study for C4SS has been released.
Childhood’s End for Humanity?
Kevin Carson: We’re approaching the second threshold, when the technologies of abundance reach a takeoff point beyond which the social structures of expropriation can no longer keep up with the rising production curve.
Build from the Bottom Up
Darian Worden on the direction of cutting government.
Why Self-Organized Networks Will Destroy Hierarchies — A Credo
Kevin Carson explains why we’re going to win the struggle for humanity’s future.
Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model
In his tenth research study for C4SS, Kevin Carson explains that the state’s labor regulations, far from promoting workers’ bargaining rights, have hindered them.
R.A. Wilson: Optimist?
Kevin Carson points out that we’re already in Wilson’s dystopia.
Advocates of Freed Markets Should Embrace “Anti-Capitalism”
I. Introduction Defenders of freed markets have good reason to identify their position as a species of “anti-capitalism.”[1] To explain why, I distinguish three potential meanings of “capitalism” before suggesting that people committed to freed markets should oppose capitalism in my second and third senses. Then, I offer some reasons for using “capitalism” as a…
Chomsky’s Augustinian Anarchism
Dr. Roderick Long: …just as St. Augustine once prayed, ‘Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet,’ Chomsky’s aim is in effect anarchy, but not yet.”
Making the State Irrelevant
Kevin Carson on how Liberty will win.
The Network Revolution Versus the State and Its Allies
Kevin Carson points out that when we can all talk to each other, it’s game over for the bad guys.
UK: Defend the Free Market – Support the Strikers
Dave Chappell on labor struggle and the insight that a true free market is true socialism.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory