Tag: cities
La Moderna Forma Urbana Come Costrutto Capitalista
Di Dawie Coetzee. Originale pubblicato il 6 luglio 2022 con il titolo The Modern Urban Form as a Capitalist Construct. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un quarto d’ora su internet non son riuscito a trovare quando l’espressione “andare in città” ha finito per significare (secondo un modo di dire inglese, ndt) fare qualcosa con grande…
The Modern Urban Form as a Capitalist Construct
I could not, in the course of a fifteen-minute internet search, find a definite first attestation of the expression “to go to town,” meaning to do something with great energy or exuberance. That a number of sources report a probable 19th-century American origin is not surprising given that the idiom rests on a metaphoric use…
Reseña de: La Urbanización a las Ciudades
De Joseph Parampathu. Artículo original: Review: From Urbanization to Cities, del 28 de febrero 2022. Traducción española de Kesabel Babe. Reseña de From Urbanization to Cities: The Politics of Democratic Municipalism (La política del municipalismo democrático) de Murray Bookchin. From Urbanization to Cities The Politics of Democratic Municipalism by Murray Bookchin (AK Press, 2021). En…
Review: From Urbanization to Cities
Review of From Urbanization to Cities: The Politics of Democratic Municipalism by Murray Bookchin From Urbanization to Cities The Politics of Democratic Municipalism by Murray Bookchin (AK Press, 2021)  In this updated version of the late Murray Bookchin’s initial 1987 title The Rise of Urbanization and the Decline of Citizenship, now with an introduction by…
Public Transportation Versus You
Two fatal victims. That is Recife’s (capital of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil) public transportation system body count in 2015. On July 16, college student Harlynton dos Santos, 20, died after trying to climb a bus at 11:30 PM, being tossed out as the vehicle started moving. Camila Mirele was the first victim this year,…
What Back Pain Taught Me About Urban Design
I have a herniated disc. According to my MRI’s report, I have a “diffuse disc protrusion” that reaches the “center posterior/lateral right of the L5-S1 intervertebral disc”. L5 and S1 vertebrae are located in the lumbar section of your body. The discs are the natural cushion between the vertebrae. When a disc is damaged, it…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory