Tag: Books and Reviews
Ulasan: Anarkisme Afrika – Sejarah sebuah Pergerakan
Oleh: Jordan Jadine. Teks aslinya berjudul “Review: African Anarchism – The History of a Movement.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Sebagai seorang anarkis, Aku secara alami memiliki ketertarikan untuk mempelajari bukan hanya gerakan anarkis di Amerika, tapi juga di seluruh belahan dunia. Aku sangat menyukai Lao Tzu misalnya, dan juga penulis Tao…
Recensione di: African Anarchism – The History of a Movement
Jordan Jardine. Originale pubblicato l’otto giugno 2023 con il titolo Review: African Anarchism – The History of a Movement. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da anarchico, sono naturalmente attratto dai movimenti anarchici non solo degli Stati Uniti ma di tutto il mondo. Mi attira molto, tra gli altri, Lao Tzu, per dire, che con il suo…
Review: African Anarchism – The History of a Movement
As an anarchist, I am naturally inclined to research not only anarchist movements from America, but from all around the world. I am very fond of Lao Tzu, for instance, and the Tao Te Ching author was a major influence on prominent anarchists like Peter Kropotkin and Rudolf Rocker. Therefore, I have learned some things…
The Individualist Anarchist Wears No Clothes
Introduction: Who Was Emile Armand? Emile Armand (a pseudonym for Ernest-Lucien Juin) is at the center of the collection Individualist Anarchism – Revolutionary Sexualism: Writings by Emile Armand (2012) published by Pallaksch Press and distributed by Little Black Cart. Armand was a French egoist/individualist anarchist, arguably an early proponent of polyamory within the anarchist scene…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory