Tag: anti-voting
Votare o non Votare
[Di William Nava. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 16 marzo 2017 con il titolo To Vote or Not to Vote. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Qualche tempo fa, uno studente tredicenne mi ha rivelato che i suoi genitori non parlavano più con lo zio perché lui aveva votato per Trump. La scelta…
To Vote or Not to Vote
A thirteen-year old student recently told me that his parents weren’t speaking with his uncle because the uncle had voted for Trump. It’s not an unusual scenario. The choice of presidential candidate may just be the most culturally contentious decision that Americans make. It causes fights, break ups, public scenes, and (of course) Facebook blocks….
Time to Opt Out
This November, don’t vote. As difficult as it may be to accept, you don’t have to, and it isn’t somehow morally wrong not to. Sometimes the single most powerful political statement you can make, your best option for expressing your preferences for the future of our country, is simply to lodge a conscientious objection by…
P. Diddy as the Rational Voter
Back in 2004, rapper P. Diddy started an organization called Citizen Change and launched a campaign called Vote or Die. Diddy and the campaign were subsequently mocked in some circles, notably the popular TV show South Park. Since 2006, Citizen Change has been inactive, but in a recent interview at a Revolt music conference, Diddy…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory