Compulsory Education is Jail for Innocent Kids
Recently, the Guardian reported a grim story about a pupil in an elementary public school in the city of Milan, Italy. At lunchtime, the school principal took the pupil from the cafeteria and forced her to eat her lunch in the classroom, alone and away from her mates. Why? Because she had been caught red-handed. She…
“Bad Precedents” Are in the Eye of the Beholder
On September 28 the U.S. Senate voted to override President Obama’s veto of a bill permitting American citizens to sue foreign governments for any role in terrorist attacks. Obama warned that the law would have unintended consequences, setting a “dangerous precedent” for other countries. The United States government, he warned, might face lawsuits by foreign…
The Anarchist’s Dilemma
Last week, the New York Times published their endorsement for President. Unsurprisingly, the “Paper of Record” endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Republican nominee Donald Trump. It is almost impossible to imagine a world where the New York Times – a paper with liberal values and a history of endorsing liberals – would endorse Trump….
Angela Davis Defends Animals, Others Oppressed
Writing at RenewAmerica, Cliff Kincaid takes Angela Davis to task for “going vegan” (“Black Power icon goes vegan to save animals,” September 21, 2016). Rather than actually consider the extreme torture and slaughter of animals perpetrated by humans, Kincaid seems wedded to the standard tactics of other animal oppressors — basing his attack solely on…
Dismantle the Police
Last week, Tulsa, Oklahoma police officer Betty Shelby fatally shot 40-year-old stranded motorist Terence Crutcher in the back after another officer tased him to the ground. The database lists Crutcher as the 825th individual to have been shot and killed by a cop in 2016. At this point, it’s clear that nothing short of a complete…
Police Discrimination?
In part of a hopefully rising trend, five police officers were denied service at a Taco Bell in Louisville, Kentucky recently. The owner has since apologized and promised that the employees will be retrained to be more respectful to all customers, including law enforcement. But this is just one domino in an entire series of…
Of Flags and Football
The football hooligans are at it again but this time instead of street riots and violence, they are raising hell with flags and fundraisers. With the recent news of Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand during the U.S. national anthem and Gabby Douglas not placing her hand over her heart during the anthem at the 2016…
Free Chelsea Manning Today!
Since the early days of President Barack Obama’s first term, the United States has pursued a high-octane policy of punishing whistleblowers to the fullest extent of the law. If an individual can be identified as having been the source of a leak, and if that individual falls under the jurisdiction of the US or its…
Time to Deprogram From the Cult of National Unity
People don’t like seeing their gods blasphemed, and the backlash against Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem has revealed the completely religious nature of American patriotism. Tomi Lahren, whose views on racial matters are about what you’d expect from a “conservative commentator” on Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze, has been on a nonstop outrage…
The Workers Big Labor Forgot
With the passing of “Labor Day” earlier this month it’s useful to reflect upon its origins and the state of the labor movement as it stands today. First celebrated on Sept. 5, 1882 in New York City by members of the Central Labor Union, a branch of the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor…
What’s Missing in the Left’s Critique of Gentrification in the UK
Every day I despair of the British Left, and hearing them on the issue of housing is no exception. On the one hand, they should be praised for being the only ones to draw serious attention to the very real problem of rising rents and urban displacement. On the other hand, however, there are serious…
Why Are the “Adults in the Room” So Awful?
It’s common among centrists to describe themselves — in contrast to the “far Left” and “far Right” — as the “rational adults” who can compromise and get things done. The “rational adult” trope usually appears in conjunction with “Horseshoe Theory,” according to which wisdom and reasonableness inhere in the political center and deviation from the…
Fight Hate, Paint Back!
Every prohibition, no matter how reasonable, has its bootleggers and every state, no matter how authoritarian, is unable to truly enforce a total ban on anything. So when a father in Berlin discovered swastikas painted on a children’s playground, a symbol that is actually illegal according to German law, he realized it was more effective…
Who the Real Looters Are
If there’s one common theme that unites the economic Right — conservatives, right-libertarians and disciples of Ayn Rand — it’s that looting is bad and extremely prevalent. And they’re all pretty much agreed on who the looters are, besides. The framing has been pretty much the same going back at least to that (possibly Snopesbait)…
Say the Words, Nick. SAY THE WORDS!!
At Reason, Nick Gillespie (“How to Build a Better Epi-Pen — or Something Totally Different That’s Much Better,” Sept. 4) argues — correctly — that Mylan’s EpiPen price-gouging is enabled by government regulations. He cites fellow Reason writer Scott Shackelford’s earlier article (“Want to Reduce the Price of Epipens? Approve Some Competition!” Aug. 25) showing…
Responsibility and Freedom: A Defense of Safe Spaces
“Liberty not only means that the individual has both the opportunity and the burden of choice; it also means that he must bear the consequences of his actions and will receive praise or blame for them.” F. A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, Responsibility and Freedom What does it mean for speech to be free?…
No, Capitalism Isn’t Making Us All Richer and Richer
If you frequent mainstream right-libertarian publications on anything like a regular basis, you’ve probably seen more than one of those breathless articles about how capitalism is making the ordinary poor person richer than a medieval king. For example Calvin Beisner: “No matter how rich you might have been” 150 years ago, “You could not have…
Colin Kaepernick’s Bold Stand
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has refused to stand during the playing of The Star Spangled Banner, traditionally played before most football games. Like Gabby Douglas’ “refusal” to put her hand over her heart during the playing of the United States’ national anthem at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio last month, Kaepernick’s actions…
CNT Announces Plans to Refound the IWA
Formed from an ideological split between members of the First International, the Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (AIT), more commonly known to the English speaking world as the International Workers’ Association (IWA) was founded in December of 1922. The First International was an organization aimed at uniting left-wing socialist, communist, and anarchist labor unions and…
Indigenous Property Rights and the Dakota Access Pipeline
As this article is being written, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe are preparing to challenge Dakota Access, LLC and the U.S. Army Corps in court over environmental concerns and property rights disputes. On July 26, 2016 the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe discovered that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory