Tag: Ross Ulbricht
Pelajaran dari Ross dan Lyn Ulbricht
Oleh: Ryan Calhoun. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Significance of Ross and Lyn Ulbricht.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Pekan ini, Lyn Ulbricth menghadiri Konferensi Internasional Students For Liberty (ISFLC) dan memukau para peserta dengan presentasinya mengenai banding atas hukuman anaknya, Ross Ulbricth dalam persidangan Kasus Silk Road. Kehadiran dan advokasi tanpa hentinya…
Ross Ulbricht e a Coragem de Desrespeitar a Lei
De Jason Lee Byas. Artigo original: Ross Ulbricht and the Courage to Break the Law, de 9 de novembro 2020. Traduzido para o português por Diogo Ladeira Sales. Os advogados dele dizem que não vão recorrer. As acusações pelas quais ele vai possivelmente passar o resto da vida na prisão gravitam em torno do marketplace…
L’attivismo Politico dei Mercati sulla Darknet
Di Gabriel Mitchell. Originale: Darknet Markets as Political Activism, del 21 settembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La vita di Ross Ulbricht è diventata un incubo. Nel 2013 ha subito una condanna a vita senza condizionale, con l’accusa di essere fondatore e gestore di Silk Road, che vendeva droghe online. Il gestore del sito inizialmente…
Darknet Markets as Political Activism
Ross Ulbricht’s life has become a nightmare. In 2013 he was given a life sentence with no chance of parole; he was charged with being the suspected founder and operator of the online drug market Silk Road. The operator of this site was previously only known as Dread Pirate Roberts- a name one might recall…
Agorismo do Mercado Verde
De Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Artigo original: Green Market Agorism de 19 de abril de 2019. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. A teoria agorista foi muito enriquecida desde que Samuel Edward Konkin III introduziu a teoria inicial. Por meio dos escritos e do trabalho de visionários como Karl Hess, Ross Ulbricht, Satoshi Nakamoto, Defense…
Ross Ulbricht and the Courage to Break the Law
His lawyers say they will try to appeal. The charges for which Ulbricht will likely spend his life in prison all center around the Silk Road marketplace, which allowed users to peacefully trade illegal drugs over the internet. Though he admitted to originally creating the site, Ulbricht has maintained that he quickly handed it off…
Agorismo, Mercato e Ambiente
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 19 aprile 2019 con il titolo Green Market Agorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da quando è stato formulato per la prima volta da Samuel Edward Konkin III, l’agorismo ha fatto passi enormi. Grazie agli scritti di visionari come Karl Hess, Ross Ulbricht, Satoshi Nakamoto, Defense Distributed e Derrick…
Green Market Agorism
Agorist theory has been enriched a lot since Samuel Edward Konkin III introduced the initial theory. Through the writings and work of visionaries such as Karl Hess, Ross Ulbricht, Satoshi Nakamoto, Defense Distributed, and Derrick Broze, we have seen agorism grow and expand in ways never thought possible both intellectually and in practice. And the…
Alternative dal Basso alla Guerra alla Droga
Guida anarchica alla riduzione del danno Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 26 agosto 2018 con il titolo Community Alternatives to the Drug War: An Anarchist Guide to Harm Reduction. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Scritto in collaborazione con Syd Eastman. Riposa in forze, Syd. La guerra alla droga è un fallimento e pare che…
Community Alternatives to the Drug War: An Anarchist Guide to Harm Reduction
This piece was co-authored with the late Syd Eastman. Rest in power Syd.  The War on Drugs is a failure. This seems more and more to be the modern consensus among the population as incarceration rates skyrocket only to line the pockets of a few greedy corporations feeding off of cheap prison slave labor. The…
Un Altro Dread Pirate Roberts?
[Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 14 gennaio 2017 con il titolo Is It Time for the Next Dread Pirate Roberts? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Il venti settembre 2010, craigslist.com è stato costretto a chiudere la sezione “adulti” dal suo portale perché molti annunci erano usati per pubblicizzare…
Is It Time for the Next Dread Pirate Roberts?
In September 2010, craigslist.com was forced to take down the “adult” categories from its listings due to the fact that many of them were being used to advertise for sex work. After the categories were removed many sex workers took to posting in other semi-relevant sections using code words. This underground system of coded language…
The Significance of Ross and Lyn Ulbricht
This week, Lyn Ulbricht attended the International Students For Liberty Conference and graced attendees with a presentation on the appeal of her son Ross Ulbricht’s sentencing in the Silk Road trial. Lyn’s presence and tireless advocacy for her son and for the preservation of our rights is a blessing in the face of our unaccountable…
Thank You Pirate Bay on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Thank You Pirate Bay” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. While lawyers and courts argue whether a web address should be seen as an accessory to a crime, the rest of us should be asking what crime? All that The Pirate Bay has done is…
When Drug Users Aren’t People
Judge Katherine Forrest’s decision to lock up Ross Ulbricht for the rest of his life is a momentous tragedy. There were other tragic circumstances on display during Ulbricht’s trial, however. Submitted as evidence against the integrity of the Silk Road were stories of drug overdoses that were allegedly tied to products bought on the darknet…
Dread Pirate Roberts, Beyond The Law!
Ross Ulbricht has been sentenced to die inside a cage. We call this a “life sentence”, but it is a death sentence. His fate is quite literally to die in a cage in order to punish him for operating the online drug market known as the Silk Road. But truly, that is not his crime….
Preet Bharara v. Ross Ulbricht: Who’s the Real Dread Pirate Roberts?
On February 4, American media trumpeted the expected, “dog bites man” headline: “Ross Ulbricht Convicted” of being Dread Pirate Roberts, operator of the online Silk Road marketplace. Few expected an acquittal. From the moment US Attorney Preet Bharara announced Ulbricht’s indictment on seven charges, ranging from “money laundering” to “drug trafficking,” the prosecution ran on rails. A…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory