Tag: prison guards
Tidak Akan Ada Keadilan dari Negara Penjara
Oleh: Cory Massimino. Teks aslinya berjudul “No Justice from the Prison State.” DIterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah dan Boggy MS. Departemen Pemasyarakatan Florida baru – baru ini memecat 32 sipir setelah bertahun-tahun dugaan korupsi dalam sistem penjara dan terkait dengan setidaknya empat kematian narapidana. Para pejabat Serikat Sipir menyebut pemecatan massal itu sebagai “pembantaian Jumat malam.”…
A Riot Broke Out and No One was Surprised on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “A Riot Broke Out and No One was Surprised” read by Thomas J. Webb and edited by Nick Ford. “Many liberal reformists object to rioting as a legitimate tactic of effecting positive change. They cite, as all anti-revolutionaries do, crackdowns on prison life and the possible negative response of outsiders. However,…
È Scoppiata la Rivolta e Nessuno si Sorprende
Il venti febbraio è scoppiata una rivolta nella struttura correttiva di Willacy, un carcere texano per “immigrati illegali”. Duemila detenuti hanno protestato contro l’incuria e il superlavoro. La situazione è peggiorata rapidamente quando i detenuti sono venuti in possesso di armi contundenti, invadendo il cortile e smantellando o bruciando quelle strutture a cui erano incatenati…
A Riot Broke Out and No One was Surprised
A riot broke out on February 20 at Willacy Correctional Facility, a Texas prison for “illegal immigrants.” 2,000 inmates demonstrated against their subjection to neglect and overwork. The situation quickly escalated as inmates armed themselves with blunt instruments, swarming the yard and dismantling and setting fire to the structures they’d been shackled to for too long. As the…
No Justice from the Prison State on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Cory Massimino‘s “No Justice from the Prison State” read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. As prison system inspectors visited Franklin Correctional Institution they discovered an incident from three years prior in which an inmate, 27-year-old Randall Jordan-Aparo, begged officer Rollin Suttle Austin, to take him to the hospital because of…
Nessuna Giustizia dallo Stato Prigione
Di recente, il dipartimento penitenziario della Florida ha licenziato 32 secondini, misura presa dopo anni di presunte corruzioni all’interno del sistema carcerario, corruzioni alle quali è legata la morte di almeno quattro carcerati. I rappresentanti sindacali hanno definito il licenziamento di massa il “massacro del venerdì sera”. Un massacro che io approvo. Scavando tra i…
No Justice from the Prison State
Florida’s Department of Corrections recently fired 32 guards after years of alleged corruption in the prison system with at least four related inmate deaths. Union officials call the mass layoff a “Friday night massacre.” Now that’s one massacre I can get behind. Reporters digging deeper into the prison records found multiple incidents of abuse and so-called…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory