Tag: Dr. Thomas Szasz
L’Insana Alleanza tra Medicina e Stato
Il programma di torture della Cia è tornato alla ribalta questa settimana, quando tre ex detenuti hanno denunciato i due psicologi che crearono e gestirono il programma ai tempi di Bush. Secondo l’Unione Americana per le Libertà Civili (che preme affinché il responsabile del Dipartimento di Giustizia, Loretta Lynch, incarichi un pubblico ministero apposito), James…
The Unhealthy Alliance of Medicine and State
The CIA’s torture program is back in the headlines this week, as three former detainees have filed suit against the two psychologists who created and administered the CIA’s Bush-era torture program. According to the ACLU (who are pushing for Attorney General Loretta Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor in the matter), Drs. James Mitchell and…
State Sterilization: Alive and Well in America on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Chad Nelson‘s “State Sterilization: Alive and Well in America” read by Emberlea McCulligh and edited by Nick Ford. Though past generations often justified state-coerced sterilization on such grounds as “purifying the gene pool,” today’s sterilization supporters would no doubt cite “public safety” as their rationale. Parents who consistently put their children in danger…
Sterilizzazione di Stato: Viva e Vegeta in America
Una recente indagine della Associated Press sulle pratiche dei tribunali del Tennessee durante il patteggiamento ha messo in allerta gli americani su una delle tradizioni governative più agghiaccianti e finora considerate proibite: la sterilizzazione forzata dei carcerati. Secondo la giornalista della AP Sheila Burke, un caso recente ha riguardato una donna del Tennessee con disturbi…
State Sterilization: Alive and Well in America
Recent investigations by the Associated Press into the practices of Tennessee prosecutors during plea-deal negotiations have alerted Americans to one of their government’s most gruesome and supposedly forbidden traditions: forced prisoner sterilization. According to AP reporter Sheila Burke, a recent example of this practice involved a mentally ill Tennessee woman whose infant child died under…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory