My good friend Ciaran, who introduced me to the insights of free market libertarianism (Particularly the works of Frederic Bastiat and Ludwig von Mises), expressed his confusion at the notion of free market socialism. As the concepts are typically considered polar opposites, I figured I would offer some glimpses at various strains of free market…
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Market Anarchism as Stigmergic Socialism” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Brad Spangler, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
In recent weeks, I’ve seen multiple stories about deaths in prisons. These deaths were all preventable and easily attributable to prison conditions. Let’s examine a few of these incidents. According to the Miami Herald, “Florida’s Department of Corrections is facing a third potential criminal probe in the wake of another inmate death at a state…
AGORIST CLASS THEORY: A Left Libertarian Approach to Class Conflict Analysis By Wally Conger Drawing on the unfinished work of Samuel Edward Konkin III with a foreword by Brad Spangler DEDICATION: This work is dedicated to Sam, who got the ball rolling. AGORIST CLASS THEORY [PDF]: A Left Libertarian Approach to Class Conflict Analysis By Wally Conger Foreword Introduction The Failure of Marxism…
Naomi Klein, to a casual reader, might seem to hate the free market. Or at least she hates what most people think of as the free market, based on the conventional use of that term by mainstream politicians and journalists. And the usual vulgar libertarian suspects (see here and here and here) have reacted with exactly the kind of by-the-numbers polemics you’d…
Esta postagem se inicia onde a primeira metade parou: com a desilusão (e o abandono) da New Left por parte de Rothbard. Agora eu quero olhar para algumas das pessoas que continuaram a tradição rothbardiana de esquerda. Karl Hess estava entrando de cabeça na esquerda quando Rothbard deu a New Left como uma causa perdida. Mesmo durante…
Back in the ’90s, the Financial Times referred to the G8 countries and the Washington Consensus they enforced as a “de facto world government.” As if we needed any reminder that such a global corporate regime exists in practice, consider the Trans-Pacific Partnership currently under negotiation. Although in theory the authority of all treaties signed…
ENGLISH – PORTUGUÊS – Het Centrum voor een Staatloze Samenleving (C4SS) is een anarchistische denktank en media centrum. Onze missie is om het idee van een bruisende sociale samenwerking zonder agressie, onderdrukking of gecentraliseerd gezag uit een te zetten en te verdedigen. In het bijzonder streven wij de publieke bewustwording te vergroten en de publieke opinie op…
Tuttle: An introduction to a left libertarian conception of political economy that has emerged from many collaborative and challenging conversations within the market anarchist milieu, known as Freed Market Anti-Capitalism.
O Centro por uma Sociedade sem Estado (C4SS) é instituição anarquista de pesquisa interdisciplinar e centro de mídia. Sua missão é explicar e defender a ideia de vibrante cooperação social sem agressão, opressão, ou autoridade centralizada. Em particular, busca aumentar o entendimento e transformar as percepções do público a respeito do anarquismo, ao mesmo tempo redelineando o debate…
For every copy of “Markets Not Capitalism” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
The measure of statism inheres in the functioning of the overall system, not in the formal statism of its separate parts.
Kevin Carson: with Rothbard’s disillusion with (and abandonment of) his New Left alliance. Now I want to look at some of the people who continued the left-Rothbardian tradition.
No caso da economia corporativa, porém, quase não faz sentido.
Nicolás Morás acerca de la historia del movimiento libertario y su profanación por parte de la derecha pseudo-libertaria.
Carson: We’ve been coalescing like a liquid metal Terminator into a self-conscious movement, dedicated to using the master’s tools to tear down the master’s house.
In the case of the corporate economy, it’s almost meaningless.
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 6,381 Center op-eds to 2,786 publications on every continent except Antarctica (also excluding, as Center advisor Roderick Long points out, Atlantis; and I must say that my distributions thus far are in fact limited to continents on Earth). That’s fewer than usual — we had less content than…
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 7,406 Center op-eds to 2,801 publications, and have identified seven “pickups” of those op-eds: David D’Amato’s “The Science of Anarchism” ran in Quebecois Libre on October 15 and in the Dhaka, Bangladesh New Age on October 16. “Alternative Currency: Coming to Stores Near You?” by Darian Worden, appeared…
Matt Yglesias, some time back, summarized Bruno Bezard’s resume (“Where Socialism Lives,” Think Progress, April 18, 2010). Besides senior posts at various economic and industrial policy ministries and the Treasury, he held directorships at the France Telecom Group, Renault, Air France-KLM, and France Televisions. “Try to imagine,” Yglesias asked, “an American having Bruno Bezard’s official biography.”…