Tag: youtube
C4SS Feed 44 presents Joel Schlosberg‘s “The Conquest of the United Kingdom by Scotland” read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. “Yes” netting 44.7% of the tally undermines a 300-year consensus and the devolution of substantial political power to Scotland is already conceded. Such a near-tie is far more problematic for an existing political system…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Market Anarchism for Network Mutualism” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. The market anarchist seeks differing and competing modes of social organization. Market anarchism maintains replacing the state with a decentralized society is desirable because of the feasibility of, and the liberating principles innate to, left-wing free market…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Lee Byas‘ “All Wars are Unjust” from the Students for a Stateless Society‘s Volume 1, Issue 3 of THE NEW LEVELLER read by Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. There are no good wars. World War II did crush Hitler and Tojo, but it also propped up Stalin and involved the deliberate targeting…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Nathan Goodman‘s “Prisons: The Case for Abolition” from the Students for a Stateless Society‘s Volume 1, Issue 3 of THE NEW LEVELLER read and edited by Nick Ford. People often ask what we would do about rapists and murderers without prisons. But as Dean Spade puts it, “The prison is the serial killer; the prison is…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Elizabeth Tate’s “Identities & Individuals” from the Students for a Stateless Society‘s Volume 1, Issue 3 of THE NEW LEVELLER read by Erick Vasconceols and edited by Nick Ford. In oppressed groups, libertarianism can seem similar to ideas that have oppressed them over time. The idea of a liberty movement may even be laughable to groups…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Uriel Alexis’ “Anarchists United” from the Students for a Stateless Society‘s Volume 1, Issue 3 of THE NEW LEVELLER read by Dylan Delikta and edited by Nick Ford. With the growth of the producer’s network and the mutual trust relations promoted by the mutual bank, a truly revolutionary potential is unleashed. Increasingly more complex production processes…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Hobby Lobby — A Question of Agency” read James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. To repeat, there were a lot of people whose agency was at stake here besides the Green family’s — in particular, the 70% majority of Hobby Lobby’s workers who are women. who may have been having…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Lee Byas‘ “A Matter of Life and Death” from the Students for a Stateless Society‘s Volume 1, Issue 3 of THE NEW LEVELLER read by Trevor Hultner and edited by Nick Ford. Even more fundamentally, both aggression and domination beat back the thing that makes us distinct from the dead. In so far as we…
C4SS Feed 44 presents “A Plea for Public Property” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Roderick T. Long, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. For many libertarians, the most important argument for private property is what Garret Hardin has labeled “the tragedy of the commons” (though the basic idea goes back to Aristotle). Most…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Erick Vasconcelos‘ “Elections and the Technocratic Ideology” read by Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. It’s not about being governed or not, it’s about who is going to do the governing. Who would we want to sit on the Iron Throne if not a “specialist?” Someone who wouldn’t be driven by politico-ideological…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Thomas L. Knapp‘s “ISIS and Ukraine: They’ll Say Anything” read by Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. We all remember how Vietnam ended. After two lost ground wars in Asia in the last 12 years, after recourse to the history book accounts of the post-WWII era, you might expect Obama to have…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant Mincy‘s “Political Governance and Natural Boundaries” read by Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. What is imperiling the desert is human domination of the landscape. Planning, zoning and development ultimately seek economic growth. There are of course guidelines and restrictions, town hall meetings and financial statements, but at the end of…
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Socialist Ends, Market Means” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Gary Chartier, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Left libertarianism represents a particularly radical development of generally acknowledged libertarian moral judgments and an elaboration of the implications of moral principles that can be seen to provide plausible grounds for rejecting…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Joel Schlosberg‘s “Our Bodies, Their Subsidies” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. Moreover, the Affordable Care Act is merely the latest in a century-long line of legislation ostensibly aimed at increasing the affordability of health care, but which by subsidy have locked in a status quo of needlessly high levels…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Nathan Goodman‘s “Don’t Reform the Surveillance State, Route Around It” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. Moreover, the state tends to secure its own interests and those of concentrated special interest groups first and foremost. Bills that pose a substantial threat to the NSA, their telecom company collaborators or profiteers…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Daniel Pryor‘s “Threat Level: Pointless” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. The only likely change in behaviour amongst the British public is a greater feeling of dread when they see someone who looks “a bit foreign.” This fearmongering serves the state’s agenda of control and power by applying the timeless…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant Mincy‘s “Another Top-Down Disaster” read and edited by Nick Ford. In the short term, our current institutions will work with residents to try to ameliorate the crisis, but what about the long term? How can we work to ensure these 400,000 are not left without potable water again? There will be a…
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Socialism: What It Is” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Benjamin R. Tucker, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Now, Socialism wants to change all this. Socialism says that what’s one man’s meat must no longer be another’s poison; that no man shall be able to add to his riches…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “On Big Box Stores and the Abuse of Hayek” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. Borders at least tips his hat to the possibility that there is some local government aid to Big Boxes. But he does so in the manner of Lincoln’s anecdotal Jesuit who, accused of…
C4SS Feed 44 presents David Grobgeld‘s “The Cynicism and Futility of Imprisonment” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. The prison system is built on a fundamental paradox of principles. On the one hand, its defenders make pragmatic, consequentialist arguments like “we need to send a clear message to criminals.” But all evidence points to…