Tag: telecommunications
Imaginando un ciberfuturo optimista
Tech Learning Collective. Artículo original: Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future de 5 de enero de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Violeta ha sido coautora de este artículo. Dominar la mayoría de las cosas que hace el ser humano requiere toda una vida de práctica. La carpintería, la jardinería y la pintura son algunos de…
«Desplataformar» a Parler tendrá consecuencias para las que debemos prepararnos inmediatamente
Escrito por Tech Learning Collective. Título original: Deplatforming Parler will have consequences for which we must immediately prepare, de 26 de enero 2021. Traducido en español por Kathiana Thomas. Dos días después del fallido golpe fascista de la extrema derecha estadounidense del 6 de enero de 2021 que dejó cinco muertos en Washington, DC, Twitter…
Deplatforming Parler will have consequences for which we must immediately prepare
Two days after the American far right’s failed fascist coup on January 6th, 2021 that left five people dead in Washington, DC, Twitter (finally) permanently banned the would-be dictator responsible for inciting the mob from their platform. Shortly thereafter, the social media network most closely affiliated with the racist reactionaries, Parler, was kicked off its…
Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this and this episode of The Enragés] Mastering most things humans do requires lifetimes of practice. Woodworking, gardening, and painting are just a few crafts whose histories stretch back thousands of years. But modern telecommunication, the act of communicating nearly instantaneously with someone from afar,…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Fabio Rojas on Common Objections to Open Borders
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. SoundCloud distribution is coming soon!  Sorry for the delay! May’s episode is out now and features Fabio Rojas, a professor of sociology at Indiana University. Dr. Rojas is an expert who works on the sociology of political movements and social theory. We are exploring…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory