Tag: second amendment
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Alex Aragona tarafından kaleme alınmış. 27 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde “Anti Gun? Check Your Privilige” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. Ateşli silah sahipliğine karşı olanlar, itirazlarını genellikle, resmen kült gibi olduklarını söyledikleri silahlarla ilgili aşırı hevesli tutumlardan hoşlanmadıklarını belirterek yönlendiriyorlar. Bu tutumların, alternatif çözümlere sahip çatışmalara karşı gereksiz yere şiddet içeren bir yaklaşımı teşvik…
Those against firearm ownership often lead their objections with a distaste for over-enthusiastic attitudes about guns that they say verges on cult-like worship. The claim is also made that these attitudes encourage a needlessly violent approach toward conflicts that have alternative resolutions. At most, those passionately opposed to gun ownership may allow an exception for…
A hot topic among the left right now is the issue of gun control. While radical leftists have traditionally been in favor of gun rights, some have begun to justify gun control measures in the hope that it might de-fang white supremacist movements and end gun violence against marginalized communities. Many groups, including Dream Defenders…
Guns, if you don’t have a healthy fear of them you probably don’t know much about them. From victims of gun violence to conscientious gun owners, hundreds of millions of Americans are well acquainted with their destructive power and the need for safety in managing their use. However, the fear left unchecked by other external…